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Thread: Inskip Point Rainbow Beach.

  1. #1

    Inskip Point Rainbow Beach.

    A few questions:

    Is there still a Parks and Wildlife Headquarters Facility at
    Rainbow Beach?

    If so, does anyone have a phone number for same?

    Yes I know, must get a camping permit before arriving.

    Just wanted some upto date info. from the Rangers'. Thus the requirement for a phone number.

    Years since we were up there.

    Any info. would be appreciated.

    Have Fun Haji-Baba

  2. #2

    Re: Inskip Point Rainbow Beach.

    Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service - Rainbow Beach (7am–4pm daily)
    Tel: (07) 5486 3160 Fax: (07) 5486 3355

  3. #3

    Re: Inskip Point Rainbow Beach.

    Thanks aus 2045, just going to try out the new vehicle with the van and all the gear in preparation for northern trip.

    Inskip is a trial run, may look for a crab or two.

    Just about got all the custom fittings finished and ready to go.

    Now have three numbers.

    Have fun Haji-Baba

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