Of course religion is nothing without some misogyny, so wives who are interrupting church activities should be banished
Eitherway, beer and animal sacrifices, count me in.
Of course religion is nothing without some misogyny, so wives who are interrupting church activities should be banished
Eitherway, beer and animal sacrifices, count me in.
prayers could go along the lines of: oh great piscatorius. have mercy on us grinners and save our soles.
fishing's as simple as 3 P's - patience, perserverance and PLASTIC!
Does this mean we can go to the Cathedrals every Sunday.......
So just out of curiosity, how many beers did it take to come up with this plan?
And this thread kiddies is a prime example of what happens when you go old and senile.
We will need an official prayer/anthem Dave.
I suggest said anthem be sung to the tune of "Land Down Under" and i will work on a couple of verses if the rest of the congregation supports that tune.
We come from a land downunder
Where fishies glow and ......
You get the drift.
Actually, "you get the drift" might not make a bad sign off at the end of all official Church of the Piscatorius correspondence.....?
Note to self: Don't argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience....
Im in, I know the tax relief this venture would give BUT more importantly allow us to worship our chosen religion. Bring on the Furuno gift needing pharoa! as well as the underwater lighting needed to feel his presence and 100 top of the line rods to show him our devotion.
Sign me up Dave, hell I will even get a tattoo if it helps
BTW lets F the rabbit smiley faces off....I have never been a fan and its time to pi55 them off
Living the dream, Barry
So Dave, you'll name your boat " Church " ???
" Corrine, tell ya mum I'll be in " church " for a few hours " !! ><>
FYI, all 12 apostles were fishermen and in fact, The word "apostle" comes from a Greek word.
By breaking it down into its constituents it gives us a literal translation of "from the fleet"
Hence forth, David of Moreton, your followers will be known as " Apostles ", or " deckies from the fleet ".
We also need a pecking order and of course:-
filtering down to :-
Pasta-Joy & Pasta-Beer.
I am thinking of Sacrificial Snappers and SandCrabs.
Religiously Red Emporers.
Misogynistic Moses Perches.
& Holy Hussar.
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Just for you Marty.
Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.
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I think i will have to re-name my boat "Congregation".
That way, the boss can say, when people call,
"Sorry, he's out in the congregation".
Worked for the Hon Tom Burns, former Deputy Premier. His boat was called the "Electorate"......
Note to self: Don't argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience....
Sorry Phill, hit the wrong button. Doesn't seem to be an undo for that.
Bloody iPad keyboards. Or maybe my fingers are too big.....
Yeah, can we get rid of the damn easter bunnies!
One of the High Priests might have to talk to Steve the Almighty and suggest that for a fishing website, so fishy style emotions would be more appropriate!
Note to self: Don't argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience....