Weather was good for an overnighter so away we went out for a look see. Was suppose to go to so wide wide ground with a couple boats but ran into a mate who wanted to get into a red close owed him a favour so out to some regular ground we went.
Picked up some livies on the way thru as they were thick as everywhere.
Found a show on the way out and set about on the first drift ..... Livey gets hammered and a battle began and calling it for a trout i was devasted when a chinamen surfaced .
So away again and started our drifts ........ i drops a fish and mate scores a nice red jew]
Was using a para chute anchor that i borrowed off Booney and am a solid believer now and want want want one.
Current had easied and we sent to anchor on a patch of fern and started to have a few on . I was not having much luck only scoring one red as my mate kept scoring well i was dropping a few and using gangs where my mate using a single
Then my mate scored this awesome monster tipping the scales at 11kg he was more then stoked
Mate hooked a lovely Rosy Jobbie to that added some colour to the esky. With him ribbing me i couldn't score and just let him do his thing lol.
The day was getting on and we decided to pull anchor and more to some coral ground. NOPE the anchor must has done a wrap around a ledge and no go so we tried and tried and tried to no avail then the rope snapoped and so no anchor goneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
So off we goes and drifts with Booneys Para Anchor while drfting we watched a storm get closer and closer . It'll be right and then my deckie hooks a snad Flathead in 168 foot of water must have been in the sand patches between the rubble coral patches
On went the clears and the clouds let open so out went the lures and we trolled into the storm for 20 mins until the rains stopped and the wind in it lapsed .
So another drift pattern was set up and bang bang double hook up on nice fish
Chinamen again
Then a couple fish started coming on spangleds and we found a huge patch of red throats that made it look better for us in the esky .
The night hit and using the sand anchor i hooked us onto a patch of fern and man the hussar were thick as and we made a only take hussar over 35 cm and we were getting sick of them and a couple more nice red throat came into the mix with a few undersized reds about and some grassy's so to bed we went and the wind stuck up a bit thru the night but was to stuffed to care.
Up at 4 am and thought buggar it we cleaned up and headed home.
Fisheries were at the ramp going thru everyone and then our turn as we washed down at the Coast Gaurd all good for us as i try to make sure everything is up to date and fish right . A couple with a 685 Cruisecraft had found out their flares were out of date and none were available so i offered mine up to them so they could continue their day out and hooked up our details and away they went to have a lovely day out .
Happy with the trip and good to get into the fish it's been a while