Hi all
Just been talking to my father. He is a avid fisherman who frequents the upper reaches of Somerset Dam on a very regular basis.
He has caught and continues to catch yellowbelly, a few mary river cod, jew fish, spangled perch, bass, and tilapia.
He stated tonight he has caught some "black bass" on his recent trip. He got the name off of a couple of blokes fishing near the same area has he does. He has never caught these before.
He says they look a bit like a silver perch (same colouring and profile), but with bigger lips and big eyes?
I've done numerous searches on the net and have only come up with PNG black bass and the "American Bass"? I don't believe any of them are in Australian dams at the moment???
Has anyone got any ideas on what they could be. (I have got him to send me a photo of his next catch)