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Thread: Easter on the road

  1. #1

    Easter on the road

    Hi guys,

    This is a very powerful video, it is a compilation of many years of TV commercials in Victoria in their bid to reduce the road toll.

    It hits home for me as many of them were filmed in and around the small country town that I lived in when in Victoria, and there it was very common practice to take the back roads home after a party.

    Suggest teenage kids are also shared the link before they head off on their Easter drive.

    It does get quite graphic.


  2. #2

    Re: Easter on the road

    a very powerful message that one!!

  3. #3

    Re: Easter on the road

    Well Mr Bean that was fu%king horrible to watch.

    It gets the message across VERY clearly.

    Safe driving over Easter Ausfishers.
    Yalta Craft 555HC, "BIMINI TWIST", home port Gladstone
    Member of the Yalta Craft Appreciation Society

  4. #4

    Re: Easter on the road

    Every young kid that goes for their licence should be made to watch that... horrible or not!

    I'll be on the road with my family this Easter.
    Take care everyone and have a good holiday!
    Leigh (Kero).

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