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Thread: Short trip off Cape M today , nice spotty and a small Black

  1. #1

    Short trip off Cape M today , nice spotty and a small Black

    Ran out through the washing machine near the cape this morn for a quick bottom bash, plenty of fish showing but couldnt interest in bait or lures, current running pretty quick didnt help. put a pusherr out the back to troll back towards the cape and caught a nice spotted mack around 95cm. Thought id try again so rigged the spin stick with a light wire(smallest swivels you can get i think) and a yozuri minnow and ran 2 lines back the way i came, knowing id have some fun on the lighter stick if i hooked another mack, had gone about 300metres and the minnow got hammered, massive amount of white water back where the lure was, picked up the rod and slack and a little black starts tail dancing all over, quite a while later after following and keeping pressure light due to the terminal tackle i was using i had him alongside, maybe 30kg, minnow had both sets of trebs embedded and fishing from an inflatable single handed was wondering how to release him without getting that deflating feeling from that pointy nose, couldnt see any way to boat or release without more harm to both of us so i gave a big jerk on the leader popped the swivel and he swam of with some bling still on his lip. I hope he survived as i was torn between breaking him off early and maybe trailing a ton of line or fighting him too long and releasing him to die anyway. Stunning little fish though and wont forget the leaps he made soon.

  2. #2

    Re: Short trip off Cape M today , nice spotty and a small Black

    Well done. You did the right thing, he will shed that lure soon enough.
    "Elempi" American Bertram 33, 3208T Caterpillar power

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