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Thread: Found: Rod and reel

  1. #1

    Found: Rod and reel

    Anyone lose a rod and reel on Bermuda St Robina today. The rod is custom built and that is all the information I will provide.

    If you think it might be yours, send me a PM detailing who the rod builder is, what type of rod it is and what type of reel is on it.

  2. #2

    Re: Found: Rod and reel

    It's Mine... yeh the one with the stella 10000SW on it... nah

    Good on ya Shagga for putting it up.. a custom rod would surely be missed

    Retired Honda Master Tech

  3. #3

    Re: Found: Rod and reel

    if it has a big penn international on it, I wish it was mine on ya mate.

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