Hi guys, I've been lucky enough to live in some remote places and do a lot of mack fishing, so here's an article I wrote a couple years ago. http://www.fishingtownsville.net/201...part-1-of.html
Most of my fishing is trolling with deadbaits and lures though, although I definitely use livies at anchor and even during a slow drift (that's a conversation in itself though), so one thing I would like to know is how people are rigging and swimming their livies? Next time I pick up a fusilier, stipey etc I'd like to have a rig ready, stick that bad boy on and slowly start cruising around. I'm sure someone somewhere knows the ultimate rig, I'm thinking a nose or bridle rig through the eye with a wired stinger hook through the skin near the tail?
Thanks in advance, p.s. not big on guessing fish weights and don't have scales in the boat (should get them) but biggest fish have been just shy of my height at around 5.5 to 6 feet, I haven't cracked the 6 foot size yet. I plan on measuring length of the big boys from now and and will post some pics this year.