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Thread: Is this pot legal?

  1. #16
    Ausfish Platinum Member kingcray's Avatar
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    Re: Is this pot legal?

    rosco - i phoned fisheries today. Spoke with a bloke and questioned him about legal measurements / max entrances etc. He had no clue whatsoever. His answer was "um i think 4 entrances but im not sure and your entrances must be no more than 10cm wide in any direction" ... i was like WTF mate how does a mud crab fit through there??? his reply 'oh i thought you meant freshwater' another WTF!!!?? i say to him mate i dont know too many blokes chasing freshwater crabs... anyways he mumbles and fumbles and speaks to some other bloke about it who also seemed clueless and eventually says 'theres a pdf there somewhere on the website , i will find it and sent it to your email' ... needless to say the email never came.
    Im sure this was just a one off, as the fisheries blokes i have bumped into in person are much more knowledgable and helpful than this critter, but still proves how hard it is to get a straight answer on this
    Dad reckons fishing is 10% brains and 95% muscle, the rest is just good luck.

  2. #17
    Ausfish Platinum Member gruntahunta's Avatar
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    Re: Is this pot legal?

    Hi King ray....I have one like that which I made myself bout 10 years ago...I modelled it off the ones I bought from a convenience store at Ferny Hills called Wyatts general store... I actually made it from a tennis net and the upper ring from sprinkler system poly hose, low density so floated up great.

    Opposite to what Roscoe says, they work really well over night and catch more crabs than any other pot I have ever used. They sit flat in the boat, easy to bait and really good in current. Mine only have 4 entrances

    Gotta Love Maroochydore.

  3. #18

    Re: Is this pot legal?

    grunta 6 entries is alot different to 4 enteries mate its another 2 entries/exits for crabs to go 2 funnel pots outcrab my 4 entry pots most times 2 to 1 on overnite soaks but i guess at double the price they should hold the crab in better

  4. #19

    Re: Is this pot legal?

    they sell 4 entry pots in the store.

  5. #20
    Ausfish Platinum Member Axl's Avatar
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    Re: Is this pot legal?

    I to have seen it written somewhere that in QLD max 4 entries and NSW max 2 (as well as NT I think) but I am buggered if I can find it. Its not mentioned on the daff site

    Here we go I new i'd seen it written somewhere, for some reason this store lists 4 entry as QLD use and 2 entry as NSW & NT use and says to check your local guides. I've done that and I cant find any reference to entries anywhere.

    Here is another daff link again it says nothing about the number of entries however it does mention that openings should be restricted to a maximum of 60cm.

    60cm thats 600mm thats a big opening this must be a misprint I reckon that it should read 6cm.

    So after searching around I would think that your pots are ok to use Kingcray, unless offcourse some bumbling fisheries officer can tell you different.
    Last edited by Axl; 15-03-2013 at 04:09 AM. Reason: More info
    Cheers Axl

  6. #21
    Ausfish Platinum Member kingcray's Avatar
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    Re: Is this pot legal?

    thanks for the responses guys but i finally have my answer. I phoned fisheries again and got somebody a little more helpful, just received this to my email.

    Hi Dean,

    As discussed here is the link to a pdf document detailing the requirements for crab pots (Tidal) within QLD. . The requirements as set out within this document are our rules for construction of the pot for use within tidal waters only, there is no maximum or minimum mesh size within Tidal waters, nor a maximum amount of openings.

    There are additional rules in construction of pots when intending to fish for spanner crabs, the frame of a dilly must be made of solid steel of a thickness of at least 6 mm and no more than 1 m in each of its dimensions. If a collapsible trap is used it must be made of rigid material and have one or more collapsible sides

    Please note: In tidal waters, when fishing for blue swimmer crabs, mud crabs and spanner crabs, no more than four crab pots or dillies (or a combination of pots and dillies) may be used per person. Also a person must not possess more than four crab apparatus per person, on a boat on the water. Female or undersized crabs must be removed from the trap and returned to the water immediately.

    Kind regards,
    Customer Support
    Biosecurity Queensland
    Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
    80 Ann Street, Brisbane Qld 4000
    PO Box 46, Brisbane Qld 4001

    t: 13 25 23
    t: +61 7 3404 6999 (interstate)
    f: +61 7 3404 6900
    Dad reckons fishing is 10% brains and 95% muscle, the rest is just good luck.

  7. #22

    Re: Is this pot legal?

    I have looked up the NT Regulations, which are as follows:
    Marine pots
    Maximum of 5 pots or dillies per person with a maximum of 10
    pots or dillies per vessel when 2 or more people are on board.
    A complying marine pot:
    • Must not be greater than 100 cm in either length, width, height or
    • Must not have more than 2 openings into any enclosure
    (excluding any opening for emptying crabs from it, or for placing
    bait in it).
    • Must have a float attached that is no less than 80 mm in diameter
    or length. The float must be visible at all times when in use and
    have the user’s first and last name clearly marked on it.
    • Must not be used in fresh water.
    • The use of pots which are constructed of entanglement material,
    such as witches’ hat pots is prohibited.
    A dilly pot:
    • Must not be greater than 100 cm in either length, height or
    • Must be constructed of flexible net material that has a minimum
    mesh size of not less than 15 mm when stretched.
    • Must have a float attached that is no less than 80 mm in diameter
    or length. The float must be visible at all times when in use and
    have the user’s first and last name clearly marked on it.
    • Must be constructed so that, when set, the sides collapse and the
    net lies flat on the ground and does not contain material that is
    capable of entangling fish or aquatic life

  8. #23

    Re: Is this pot legal?

    I have some similar but not as sturdy as those ones look.
    I have used them off a jetty without the supports as I suspended them, though I get better results with supports.
    Without supports is just that bit more you have to fiddle with and I doubt a float would be much good even if it did hold em up a bit of current might collapse them.

    Though if the pvc ring holds them up they look pretty good..


  9. #24
    Ausfish Platinum Member kingcray's Avatar
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    Re: Is this pot legal?

    well dan these 2 were pots used for about 10 years before he retired them and they are still in great nick.

    heading out on another crabbing trip tomorrow arvo, so will see for myself how good they work

    Dad reckons fishing is 10% brains and 95% muscle, the rest is just good luck.

  10. #25
    Ausfish Platinum Member kingcray's Avatar
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    Re: Is this pot legal?

    Quote Originally Posted by jhmtaylor View Post
    I have looked up the NT Regulations, which are as follows:
    Marine pots
    Maximum of 5 pots or dillies per person with a maximum of 10
    pots or dillies per vessel when 2 or more people are on board.
    A complying marine pot:
    • Must not be greater than 100 cm in either length, width, height or
    • Must not have more than 2 openings into any enclosure
    (excluding any opening for emptying crabs from it, or for placing
    bait in it).
    • Must have a float attached that is no less than 80 mm in diameter
    or length. The float must be visible at all times when in use and
    have the user’s first and last name clearly marked on it.
    • Must not be used in fresh water.
    • The use of pots which are constructed of entanglement material,
    such as witches’ hat pots is prohibited.
    A dilly pot:
    • Must not be greater than 100 cm in either length, height or
    • Must be constructed of flexible net material that has a minimum
    mesh size of not less than 15 mm when stretched.
    • Must have a float attached that is no less than 80 mm in diameter
    or length. The float must be visible at all times when in use and
    have the user’s first and last name clearly marked on it.
    • Must be constructed so that, when set, the sides collapse and the
    net lies flat on the ground and does not contain material that is
    capable of entangling fish or aquatic life
    yep but im not crabbing NT.
    It seems all states have different rules even though we all chase the same crabs.
    Dad reckons fishing is 10% brains and 95% muscle, the rest is just good luck.

  11. #26
    Ausfish Platinum Member kingcray's Avatar
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    Re: Is this pot legal?

    ended up with 6keepers last night from these pots, will post report later on
    Dad reckons fishing is 10% brains and 95% muscle, the rest is just good luck.

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