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Thread: Simple Wrap with some diamonds

  1. #1

    Simple Wrap with some diamonds

    Just finished a Phenix Hybrid for a Mate who didnt want anything too fancy so came up with this wrap..Has Bullards Black silver twist under it ...
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  2. #2

    Re: Simple Wrap with some diamonds

    That's a nice neat wrap.
    Looks good. I'd be happy with that one.

  3. #3

    Re: Simple Wrap with some diamonds

    Looks Like a Pro Job mate

    Retired Honda Master Tech

  4. #4

    Re: Simple Wrap with some diamonds

    Looks Brilliant as Usual Willo

  5. #5

    Re: Simple Wrap with some diamonds

    Another awesome job mate. Simple you say? Yeah right!

  6. #6

    Re: Simple Wrap with some diamonds

    Great job again willo, not so simple but really effective. Black/Silver twist looks good.


  7. #7

    Re: Simple Wrap with some diamonds

    Quote Originally Posted by pedro473 View Post
    Great job again willo, not so simple but really effective. Black/Silver twist looks good.

    Yeh Mate ...Looks like ya trip to the US went well ..bring back any goodies...LOL

  8. #8

    Re: Simple Wrap with some diamonds

    Quote Originally Posted by Willo View Post
    Yeh Mate ...Looks like ya trip to the US went well ..bring back any goodies...LOL
    Yeh mate had a great time and brought back some goodies including some of that elusive formular "D" also got some great timber pistol grip handles along with some other bits and pieces but best of all was being able to make some great networking contacts for gear.

    Doc wants me to organise myself and 3 other rod builders to go over next year for the show and he will also organise a 3 day fishing trip after the show. I can recomend this trip to any serious rod builder. INTERESTED ?????


  9. #9

    Re: Simple Wrap with some diamonds

    Would love to go ....BUT unfortunalety funds are a problem at the moment ..but if that sistuation changes ovver the next 12 months ..would be interested
    Been in contact with Vic of the formular D ..and is worried about the legality and custom shit of posting to Aus ..and wants me to look into he can send to Aus...dont really know where to start there ..but looks like a great product
    and keen to here a report of it from ya ...
    Cheers Willo

  10. #10
    Now that's nice!

    The whole world's mad save thee & me (but I'm not too sure about thee)

  11. #11

    Re: Simple Wrap with some diamonds

    Quote Originally Posted by Willo View Post
    Would love to go ....BUT unfortunalety funds are a problem at the moment ..but if that sistuation changes ovver the next 12 months ..would be interested
    Been in contact with Vic of the formular D ..and is worried about the legality and custom shit of posting to Aus ..and wants me to look into he can send to Aus...dont really know where to start there ..but looks like a great product
    and keen to here a report of it from ya ...
    Cheers Willo
    Just gave it a go today mate and it looks the goods, brings the colurs back perfectly and also makes a good finish on the blank. ( I can give you a bit to try if you like ) send me a PM and I will give you a call.
    Should be no trouble sending it........its no more flammable than CPXtra.

    Thats why I am giving you guys 12 months notice for the trip. You would get out of it for around $3000 total. Have a good think about it.


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