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Thread: Sea Shepherd judged to have committed acts of piracy

  1. #61

    Re: Sea Shepherd judged to have committed acts of piracy

    Quote Originally Posted by Crunchy View Post
    I've said all I'm going to say, would like to attend a M&G one day and not have to worry about lynched by the angry mob!


    It is ok to have an opinion.. others have theirs as well, non of which may be correct. No need to be concerned, have an opinion, but consider other views as well.


  2. #62

    Re: Sea Shepherd judged to have committed acts of piracy

    Quote Originally Posted by Crunchy View Post
    I've said all I'm going to say, would like to attend a M&G one day and not have to worry about lynched by the angry mob!
    Nothing to worry about mate, none of what happens here ever comes to a meet and greet. To be honest I probably argue with people on here and then have them as a Deckie in my boat, not remembering the forum crap and even less remembering their Ausfish name.
    We all have different opinions some are good some are bad, as long as we all know that what happens on a boat stays on a boat, particularly after a drunken overnighter that its not really that bad is it?!
    You shouldn't be personally attacked about any opinion made on here.
    Living the dream, Barry

  3. #63

    Re: Sea Shepherd judged to have committed acts of piracy

    Haha good to know....I will still shake your hands and have a beer or 10 with you all even thgouh you're A bunch of whale hating marine sanctury destroying environmental vandals

  4. #64
    Yea crunchy, there wont be any lynchings mate...

    Make sure you do get to a few m&g's, its certainly a lot of fun!

  5. #65

    Re: Sea Shepherd judged to have committed acts of piracy

    i want a harpoon on my my boat so i can harpoon crab pot thieves oh and make a ram bow too hehehe

  6. #66

    Re: Sea Shepherd judged to have committed acts of piracy

    Quote Originally Posted by Honda900
    Some nations have had whaling as part of there culture/ history for a very long time. If the international law permits those countries to their Native rights then, that is there soveriegn right.
    I would have no problem with that either. Just like I would have no problem with traditional aboriginal hunting rights. Only problem is, in both cases, neither are done in the traditional manner. I say fine, let the Japanese hunt whales, but they have to do it in sail or row boats and hand thrown spears. Not comercial vessels with gun powder/hydraulic operated harpoons etc.
    Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.

  7. #67

    Re: Sea Shepherd judged to have committed acts of piracy

    Am I the only one who feels like watching On Stanger Tides....?

    Boat: Seafarer Vagabond
    Live: Great South Moreton Bay fishing

  8. #68
    Ausfish Gold Member ThePinkPanther's Avatar
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    Jul 2004
    On Moreton Bay

    Angry Re: Sea Shepherd judged to have committed acts of piracy

    I suspect the Greenpeace movement is getting frustrated at its mainly lack of progress with the Japanesse

    So therefore up the ante by getting somewhat more hostile with their actions against the whalers.

    At days end, we shouldn't lose sight of the fact that they are hunting the most prolific of all the whale species i.e. Minke whales whose numbers are huge and are nowhere near extinction or over killing.

    Point is that were Greenpeace to fold their tents and walk away, the Japanesse would very soon start butchering other species once they see a green light.

    It all falls back to the red haired Witch and her sad little group in Govt who lack the balls to do anything to a major trading partner - and the Jappanesse know that!

    It wouldn't surprise me if Santa Claus Bob Carr who has handed out over $53,000,000 in foreign aid over the last few months donated aid to Japan to do scientific research on whales!

    Well off subject I know .......... Sorry .......... Just sooooo hard to stay away from Labor Govt bashing these days!

    I want my "old Australia" back so badly ..................!

    Post edited by ausfish
    Last edited by Ausfish; 19-03-2013 at 03:05 PM.

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