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Thread: Bar crossing and bait reefs

  1. #1

    Bar crossing and bait reefs

    Hey all

    It's been a while since I've been on the water since my boat died.
    The new missus loves fishing and is keen to learn so I really want to put her onto a good fish to keep the fire burning. I'm hiring a boat for us and I'm going to take it through the moreton nth straddle passage and chase some pelagics and maybe a few snaps.
    So I have a 2 part question for all that are in the know:
    Can anyone offer me any local advice or hints about crossing the bar as I have never been through that passage as a driver only as a passenger?

    And I know it's a bit cheeky but does anyone have any bait reef co-ordinates for the area I've found a few online but I just want a couple more, I'm not asking for any secret spots just bait reefs that are well known.

    Thanks in advance all info is much appreciated.

  2. #2

    Re: Bar crossing and bait reefs

    somone on here should be able to give you co ordinates for the northern channel, mine are all on a card as I dont have a GPS at the moment. There is bait outside the bar that everyone knows about......You will see people on the bait along the way out. Second option is to go over the top of Moreton and avoid the bar if the day you hire the boat the weather is unfavorable, then you could get levies at any of the beacons.
    If your hiring a BOAB boat you will probably have a set of marks already in the GPS for what you need.
    Good Luck
    Living the dream, Barry

  3. #3

    Re: Bar crossing and bait reefs

    Hi Rat King,
    Depending on which boat hire company you use but ask or read the fine print about crossing bars in there boat?? Most of the boat hire companies in Brisbane there boats are restricted to the bay only therefore you void the insurance in open water or crossing a bar. BOAB boats vary from 5nm to 15nm from partially smooth or from land into open water which puts you into a range of good fishing grounds out from the Cape chasing Pelagic's.


  4. #4

    Re: Bar crossing and bait reefs

    Thank you very much guys, I didn't think of heading north instead of crossing the bar. Yeah I have booked a boab boat the 5.7m from redcliffe, although we are heading out tomorrow and the owner hasn't contacted me about the booking yet :/
    So I might be giving you a call if today if he doesn't get back to me soon haha. But seriously thanks guys all info is much appreciated!!

  5. #5

    Re: Bar crossing and bait reefs

    I personally wouldnt be taking on the South Passage Bar tomorrow. Still probably 2m of nearly straight easterly swell will make it very interesting. Good luck on your day out though. Hope you get into a few.

  6. #6

    Re: Bar crossing and bait reefs

    Thanks Jason
    I think that's probably the best idea.
    Does anyone have any pointers about heading out around the cape?

  7. #7

    Re: Bar crossing and bait reefs

    Try this...
    -Pick up livies from 4 beacons
    -head up along moreton and around the top
    -troll just in gear very slowly the livies hooked through nose around Brennan's
    -If nothing troll north to Hutchies passing over the peaks you see on the GPS
    -If nothing find ledge to the east of Hutchies and drop livies and baits, drift, enjoy the view
    -If nothing head to Tangalooma resort hugging the beach and enjoying the crystal clear water(if the rain hasnt ruined it)
    -Arrive at Tangalooma
    -Drink beer, eat food, perve on all tourist women whilst wearing dark sunnies
    -Head to the wrecks and feed fish left over bait
    -If you get home without a fish, drink a cold one and think about the beautiful part of oz we live in. Convince wife she owes you one
    -Accept your dues
    -Go to sleep

    How does that sound?
    Living the dream, Barry

  8. #8

    Re: Bar crossing and bait reefs

    watch out for the bars west of the cape get 10+ feet waves rolling through there all the time will be worse through there atm because of swell waves pick up the 7m half cab going through the deep bit

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Seaweed View Post
    Try this...
    -Pick up livies from 4 beacons
    -head up along moreton and around the top
    -troll just in gear very slowly the livies hooked through nose around Brennan's
    -If nothing troll north to Hutchies passing over the peaks you see on the GPS
    -If nothing find ledge to the east of Hutchies and drop livies and baits, drift, enjoy the view
    -If nothing head to Tangalooma resort hugging the beach and enjoying the crystal clear water(if the rain hasnt ruined it)
    -Arrive at Tangalooma
    -Drink beer, eat food, perve on all tourist women whilst wearing dark sunnies
    -Head to the wrecks and feed fish left over bait
    -If you get home without a fish, drink a cold one and think about the beautiful part of oz we live in. Convince wife she owes you one
    -Accept your dues
    -Go to sleep

    How does that sound?
    Geez marty,you really do have life sorted dont you...

  10. #10

    Re: Bar crossing and bait reefs

    Wow!!! Thanks captain seaweed!!! Some great info! It's much appreciated!!

  11. #11

    Re: Bar crossing and bait reefs

    Thanks shotgun!! Can someone tell me what the best track around the cape is? Should I just follow the shipping channel?

  12. #12

    Re: Bar crossing and bait reefs

    shipping channel till you get to the North Western corner, then accross the short sharp shite heading north north east keeping an eye on depth and the rollers onto the beach, stay wide of them by a couple of hundred metres but not as wide as Yellow patch and Western rocks. There is some good coffee rock around this stretch too just quietly. Stay wide of the beach on this stretch and keep an eye on the GPS as sun will be in your eyes as to not run into the headland. Have a good look on google earth prior. No real need for track points but you will probably find previous tracks on the GPS. if your still stuck or uncertain I will try and get some marks for you.
    Living the dream, Barry

  13. #13

    Re: Bar crossing and bait reefs

    pm sent ----> a few spots to try.


  14. #14

    Re: Bar crossing and bait reefs

    Thank you very much Wags and Captain Seaweed!! Your help is very much appreciated!! Hopefully ill have some great pics to post Friday evening!!!!

  15. #15

    Re: Bar crossing and bait reefs

    No expert here but wont the cape be pretty unpleasant tomorrow? Wind fairly light but from the north and likley to be a wind chop on top of a +2M E swell....I was thinking about going out myself by I'm put off by that forecast...perhaps I'm just a pussy

    Friday 3/1


    Light winds with a slight chop. Moderate short period wind waves.
    Seas: E 2.1 to 2.8 meters at 10 seconds
    Winds: NNE 9 to 12 knots

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