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Bloody weather is giving me the shits.
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Thread: Bloody weather is giving me the shits.

  1. #1

    Bloody weather is giving me the shits.

    I am supposedly towing up to 1770 on Friday for a week of fishing and sightseeing, but it's starting to look like a pipe dream. On top of that my dad's here for a month and all he has seen of qld is rain.
    He had better weather in bloody Auckland.

    Sent from my GT-P7500 using Tapatalk HD
    BOAT really does mean Bring out Another Thousand

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member Giffo65's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: Bloody weather is giving me the shits.

    I hate to tell you this, but it is bucketing down in Bundy right now.And the ocean is a brown muddy colour.

  3. #3

    Re: Bloody weather is giving me the shits.

    There is meant to be a bit more around the weekend or early next week.


  4. #4

    Re: Bloody weather is giving me the shits.

    i feel your pain.....home for a one week break....3 weeks away wanting to get out on the water and its rained every day

  5. #5

    Re: Bloody weather is giving me the shits.

    well it's bloody beautiful in Cairns but I've got an ignition I'm on here talking to you yobbos

  6. #6

    Re: Bloody weather is giving me the shits.

    If it makes ya feel any better i have rented a house three times for 10 days at 1770 to fish the rocks for spanish macks... In 30 days i have not spun a lure off the ledge through the clean blue stuff they like to swim in.....its everytime been windy, raining and the inshore water was chocolate... Now ive bought an offshore boat to use down here and it is starting to feel like a front yard ornament.. i feel your pain mate..
    dont knock on deaths door... ring the doorbell and run... death hates that!!

  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member whiteman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Townsville Qld

    Re: Bloody weather is giving me the shits.

    3 weeks of perfect fishing weather north of Townsville. The more you southerners suffer the better we like it!

  8. #8

    Re: Bloody weather is giving me the shits.

    Spare a thought for the people around Port Hedland at the moment. You're not too badly off really!!!
    Where are you towing from as your profile says Mackay but you say your heading "up". If you're leaving from Brissie all the last road repairs will have gone to s#*t. Good luck with it anyway mate. I'm nearly troppo & the two dogs certainly are.

  9. #9
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: Bloody weather is giving me the shits.

    Sorry guys but you'll need to change : QLD beautifull one day, perfect the next .
    To : Beautifull one day, flooded out the next.
    I am not sure as to whom you have upset but Mother Nature is certainly dishing it out.

  10. #10

    Re: Bloody weather is giving me the shits.

    Quote Originally Posted by FishHunter View Post
    On top of that my dad's here for a month and all he has seen of qld is rain.
    He had better weather in bloody Auckland.

    You were expecting to take him fushing?

    "Drought at land; Drought at sea" is the adage. A bit of rain will produce good results in the end.

    (PS Sorry about the NZ joke. Could not help myself, eh. )

  11. #11

    Re: Bloody weather is giving me the shits.

    You should be down sunny Victoria. Been perfect weather for weeks on end but what would you expect?

  12. #12

    Re: Bloody weather is giving me the shits.

    It's awesome weather 29 inches of rain couple weekes ago now over 300 mm last night and still raining yeah bring it on
    No wonder a man drinks
    Boats full feul freezers full bait rigs made snap locked bags reels serviced and oil leaders tied and retied spinning gear all Slugged up , have to breed crocodile shortly
    CALL SIGN : JT OR SC552(social club member)

    There is a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot

    I wonder how much deeper the ocean would be without sponges

    Up here we Use Hussar as baits for real RED FISHS (SHSIIFDER)

  13. #13

    Re: Bloody weather is giving me the shits.

    LOL you know how to cheer a man up JT
    Humility is not a weather condition.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by charleville View Post
    You were expecting to take him fushing?

    "Drought at land; Drought at sea" is the adage. A bit of rain will produce good results in the end.

    (PS Sorry about the NZ joke. Could not help myself, eh. )
    I don't care about kiwi jokes, I am a Saffa :-)

    Sent from my GT-P7500 using Tapatalk HD
    BOAT really does mean Bring out Another Thousand

  15. #15

    Re: Bloody weather is giving me the shits.

    Quote Originally Posted by hungry6 View Post
    LOL you know how to cheer a man up JT
    Lol feel my pain buddy all from weekend watching seabreeze all week this week 5 knots yeah organised overnighter memory caught 50 10kg red's in the fern and to have it destroyed slowly very very saddened
    CALL SIGN : JT OR SC552(social club member)

    There is a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot

    I wonder how much deeper the ocean would be without sponges

    Up here we Use Hussar as baits for real RED FISHS (SHSIIFDER)

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