Need help identifying this fish I caught over the weekend. Cheers!
Need help identifying this fish I caught over the weekend. Cheers!
mmmmm....bacon and fish on one plate!
lol.....thats one of those mud sucking swinetails..nice catch
Pigfish! little ones are called squealers. I like to slow cook the belly.
common hog head carp
I always wondered what the result would be if the sister inlaw slept with a fish although the carp would have necked itself after seeing her in the daylight
was there any signs of suicide attempted or completed by fish in that area?
Pigcatoris Bodianus Unimaculatus.
Caught in Galdstone Harbour, right?
Haha! Thanks guys I'll let u know how it tastes!!
without question the strangest fish I have ever seen. Is this a gee up?
No gee up it was caught at mud.... or on mud???
your joookin, oink oink...
take a feed & leave the rest to breed
Its Wilbur and Dory's love child