Ahhhuh, 101... so it I take it it is 2001, thought is was around then.
Yes that's correct. FYI, the first digit (1) is a single digit representation of the manufacturing year. In your case it was built in 2001.
The last two digits (01) is a two digit representation of the model year. In your case it was a 2001 model.
Why the distinction you ask? Some manufacturers (epically US) release their new models about half way through the year, i.e. if this was the case with your boat, around June/July your HIN may have been ‘……102’. PS. If you want to know when in the year your boat was built (or maybe batched for manufacture), the alpha character in front of the ‘101’ represents the month. With this HIN character, the first 12 letters of the alphabet are used to designate the month. A = Jan, F = June etc
Sweet, good to know how it all works.