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Thread: Somerset

  1. #1


    somerset closed again paid fees now stuck here for a month

  2. #2

    Re: Somerset

    What do you mean closed again? a few of the boys (and me) are going up there in a fortnights time why is it closed?
    Cheers Axl

  3. #3

    Re: Somerset

    Quote Originally Posted by Axl View Post
    What do you mean closed again? a few of the boys (and me) are going up there in a fortnights time why is it closed?

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    Home » Recreation

    Public notices and safety

    Pages in this section:

    Take care when swimming, skiing and boating on Seqwater dams. Seqwater’s dams and lakes are part of natural systems and have naturally occurring characteristics that you need to be mindful of when swimming, skiing or boating.

    These characteristics change regularly and include changing bacteria levels and water debris above and below water.

    This is a very normal and an expected occurrence in any natural system, so if you choose to undertake any recreational activities on the dams and lakes you need to take care at all times for your safety and that of your family.

    You should always check the Seqwater website to view the Public Notices or Recreational Information before you visit any of our recreational areas.

    Event notices

    Please be advised that the events listed below are scheduled to be held on lakes and land managed by Seqwater. Although access to recreation areas will not be closed, the scale of these events may have an impact on public recreation access to some areas of these sites. For details on site closures for events, please refer to the 'Closures Due to Events' section below.

    • No upcoming events

    Current public and safety notices

    Recreation facilities - closures and safety UPDATE (Tuesday, 19 February)
    Mt Joyce Recreation Park (Wyaralong Dam) - update on recreation facilities (Tuesday, 19 February)
    Hinze Dam (Advancetown Lake) Eastern Boat Ramp remains closed to public access (Wednesday, 13 February)
    Eastern recreation trail at Hinze Dam closed (Tuesday, 8 January)

    Little Nerang Dam – Pedestrian access to dam wall remains closed (Tuesday, 8 January)

    There are no upcoming closures due to events


    Snakes come out as weather warms up – be alert! (Tuesday, 8 January)
    Moodlu Quarry - Public Safety Notice (Tuesday, 8 January)

    Recreation facilities - closures and safety UPDATE (Tuesday, 19 February)

    Water-based recreation activities
    On Tuesday 29 January 2013, all Seqwater lakes were CLOSED to water-based recreation activities in the interests of public health and safety, as a result of the significant rain event.

    The following Seqwater lakes are currently closed to ALL water based activities
    • Lake Baroon
    • Lake Borumba
    • Lake Kurwongbah
    • Lake Samsonvale
    • Lake Somerset
    • The Eastern Boat Ramp at Hinze Dam remains closed, pending rectification work on the access road.

    The temporary closure of these lakes is a precautionary measure based on expected inflows into the lakes and potential adverse water quality in the lakes as a result of the current rainfall event.

    Water quality samples will be taken as soon as practical, and the lakes will be re-opened as soon as test results indicate that it is appropriate to do so.

    The lakes will remain CLOSED until further notice. Signage will be placed on site, and we will update our website notices accordingly.

    Land-based recreation activities

    The majority of Seqwater recreation areas and camping grounds are open to visitors following the recent extreme weather event.

    Following is a list of the recreation areas that remain closed for various reasons:
    • CLOSED – Lake Moogerah - Lower Recreation Area (Reynolds Creek) is closed due to fallen rocks and debris on access road.
    • CLOSED – Little Nerang Dam – access road is closed due to storm damage. Will remain closed until further notice.
    • Wyaralong Dam – Both the Eastern and Western Trail Head recreation areas are open, Mount Joyce Mountain Bike downhill trails open, Mt Joyce Base Camp open
      • CLOSED – Shoreline Trail due to damage at the Oakey Creek causeway.

    Visitors to all Seqwater sites are urged to take precautions and exercise care when visiting due to debris and the possible damage to infrastructure and trees.

    Mt Joyce Recreation Park (Wyaralong Dam) - update on recreation facilities (Tuesday, 19 February)

    Some designated recreation trails at Mt Joyce Recreation Park, Wyaralong Dam, are currently closed to public use as a result of the extreme weather conditions experienced 26th to 28th January 2013.
    Lake Wyaralong has been re-opened to all permitted water-based recreation activites.

    The Eastern and Western Trail Head recreation areas are open for day use activities. Please note that the Skills Area and FourCross track at Mt Joyce remain closed due to slope stability issues.

    The following recreation facilities at Mt Joyce (Wyaralong Dam) are currently open:
    • Eastern Trailhead, including camping area - Open
    • MTB Downhill Trails – Open
    • Mt Joyce Base Camp – Open
    • Western trailhead (Lilybrook Homestead) – Open
    • Eastern Trailhead, Boat Ramp - Open
    • Goan's Hill Trails – Open

    The following facilities at Mt Joyce (Wyaralong Dam) are temporarily closed:
    • Shoreline Trail – Closed
    • Ridgeline Trail – Closed

    A program of rolling closures will be in effect commencing Thursday 21 February and finalising Wednesday 27th February (weekend NOT effected) to ALL mountain bike trails. These closures are to facilitate maintenance of the trails and appropriate signage will be placed at trail junctions specifying which trails are closed.

    Seqwater will update this information as conditions change and when more information is available.

    Hinze Dam (Advancetown Lake) Eastern Boat Ramp remains closed to public access (Wednesday, 13 February)

    As a result of damage to the access road caused by the recent extreme weather event, the Eastern Boat Ramp at Hinze Dam will remain closed until further notice, pending rectification work.

    Eastern recreation trail at Hinze Dam closed (Tuesday, 8 January)

    The main recreation trail on the eastern side of Lake Advancetown will remain closed until further notice. The closure is the necessary due to flooding as a result of the increased capacity resulting from the raising of the Hinze Dam wall. Please monitor this website for updates on the status of the trail.

    Little Nerang Dam – Pedestrian access to dam wall remains closed (Tuesday, 8 January)

    Pedestrian access from the car park to the Little Nerang Dam wall remains closed due to concerns for public safety following damage to the path. Please monitor this website for updates on the status of the path.

    Snakes come out as weather warms up – be alert! (Tuesday, 8 January)

    With the warmer months upon us, snakes are now out and about. It is important for visitors to Seqwater recreation areas to be vigilant of nature's hazards – remember that you are in their home!

    You should be observant and aware that venomous snake species can be encountered.

    It is a good idea to learn what to do in the case of a snake bite and how to effectively apply first-aid.

    Moodlu Quarry - Public Safety Notice (Friday, 18 May)

    Some members of the community, including children, are putting their safety at risk to gain entry to Moodlu Quarry.

    Seqwater, in partnership with Unitywater, has double-fenced the quarry and provided around the clock security. This is due to the instability of the cliff faces/edges of the quarry and the toxicity levels of the water.

    The storage is a closed system and the water toxicity does not pose any risk to the surrounding groundwater or environment, however, it is not safe for swimming or other water-based activities.

    Despite the measures taken by Seqwater and Unitywater to secure the area, there are still members of the community who are illegally accessing the quarry at great personal risk.

    Seqwater urges residents and members of the public to report any incidents of people seen in the quarry by calling 1800 737 928, or Police (000) if someone is in immediate danger.

    Signage is in place around the quarry fence which explain the risks in May/June 2012.

    If you have any questions or would like to discuss this issue further, please email

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    © Copyright 2009 QBWSA trading as Seqwater
    ABN: 75 450 239 876

  4. #4

    Re: Somerset

    I suspect it is closed again due to water quality concerns and or flows from the recent rain in their catchment.

    We went skiing there the weekend that it opened after the last big rain episode on the Australia Day weekend (after being closed for about 2 weeks) and the water was off color and the kids claimed it had a slight taste to it.

    The lady at the Holiday Park desk said it had been closed due to the pollutents that had flowed into the dam from the local flooding.

    Before going I rang the SEQ Water office and asked if it had been closed due to debris in the water, as I was concerned for water skiing, they too said it was closed due to water quality.


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