I am reletivly new to Jew fishing hence my user name. I concider myself very lucky in the way that i had only been targeting them specificly for about a month when i landed a 15kg model out of the Richmond. Not to much skill used there just in the right place at the right time and still trying to figure what the right time is. I have my spot, I know there there, still narrowing down when they are there and when they will eat. I watch your posts closely Rabbi and learn something most times you make a post or comment. I am boat based as i nearly got myself killed of the wall there one night and promised the wife that i will stick to the boat or beach when chasing these fish. I can clearly remember the head shakes this fish put on and i knew then that i was going to be committed to making jew my target fish for a while. I remember hooking the jewie, my legs starting shaking, i had to constantly say to myself, slow down its all cool be patient and nearly sh#t myself when i saw the silver flash in the darkness and realised what i had got.
I have so much to learn on when these buggers will feed and when i should be going out after them and with a wife and two young kids those times are quite narrow, but the memory of the head shakes, the colur of the fish as it lay in the water next to the boat certaily lit the fire for me and although countless hours i spend out in boat, in the rain and howling wind with no results does not put the flame out for me at all. I think they call it doing your apprenticship....... I am not one to ask when and where can i get one.I Normally keep my eyes on reports, if they are being caught in my area i tend to do some research and look at what was happening weather wise with tides, rain, moon phases, air pressure and try and piece it together. Not with a great deal of success so still and always learning. My boat is out of action at the moment and money is tight so it will be out for a bit longer but still have a few spots land based in the Richmond,( not off the wall my dear wife) that i intend to try at differnt tides, times, moon phases etc....I enjoyed reading your above post Rabbi as i dont have fancy gear, a Penn Spinfisher, an old rod and a heap of keeness and enthusiasm. I am looking out the window now watching the rain come down wondering what the family is up to tonight and thinking........... is tonight the night i should go.........Better check my tides.....