Originally Posted by
Love the crap weather for jewing, keeps the Ratbags away from the good spots.
I know of Tye and he is much like us. 10 years ago we could get cricket score catches of big jew on hardbodies and we often released as many as we could and always stayed within our bag limits.
My best for one day around lunchtime was 22 big jew on Hardbodies and they were between 10 and 22kg or thereabouts(at a guess) and there was no swell to speak of so nearly all of the fish were released unharmed as we could get down to water level and pull the hooks out.
You hear a lot about Tye but there are a lot of guys out there who are just as good at jewing but dont advertise the fact because with some of us its more of a personal challenge and sense of fulfilment.
Different scenario these days with some of the social media giving up to date blow by blow reports. Its giving the game away.
Back then it was just a matter of having a bit of jew sense and knowing where they sit and travel as the jew have ocean highways that they follow and it is a bit like shooting fish in a barrell, so to speak.
Get your timing right and there is a whole lot less casting between fish.
I received a report yesterday from a reliable source that there was 700kg of jew netted at Wardell with this latest fresh in the Richmond so the fishless casting may continue for some.
Still some good fish out there though.
Cheers, steve.