There were some questions raised about the register as to what Fisheries required which appears to have been removed now that the register has become a sticky.

What is provided is sufficient providing the location is fairly reasonable i.e. Pumistone passage is a big area so break it down to smaller chunks as Fisheries are quite happy to act on the data we will supply them. There is one piece of information that Fisheries would also like is the details of any suspected vessels but please DO NOT POST those details on this forum for legal resaons but PM them or pass them direct on to Fisheries on 1800 017 116 and they will monitor these vessels, Fisheries already have a list of vessels they are monitoring.
Providing your email on the forum is optional and a PM would suffice for follow up purposes.

Fisheries are trying to take the initiative but have been Newmanised and are currently slightly hampered, they have ordered new surveillance equipment which is interesting to say the least and if it arrives, watchout crab & fishing thieves.

Please keep the register going as Fisheries will utilise the data.