threw a few pots out in the bay on thursday arvo,checked them daily for mixed results,got 1 muddie and 16 sandies friday,2 muddies and 10 sandies sat lost 1 pot to the thieves and got 13 sandies and lost another pot to the thieves bring on the 25knt winds i recon keeps the thieves at home...these didnt drift away in the current as i was crabbing 2mtrs of water with 10mtrs of rope, leaded at 1mtr intervals.. funniest thing is a pro crabber now has a pot right on the money where i lost the pot saturday...
now a mack report for you blokes,headed across to near tangers seen,humdinger,bull1 and heard madmackeral on the vhf..trolled the ususal paravanes and spoons out a bit wider first up for nothing so pulled the gear in and went and said g'day to humdinger,went in to my usual haunt over there and got straight onto the schoolies 2 double hookups and put the call over the vhf to the boys that the macks where on..well they must of been slayin them as they didnt come in and get amongst them,ended up with 10 schoolies i kept and 2 spotties,dropped another 2 spotts beside the boat and released prob another 12 schoolies,was an awsome mack bite.they shut down on the top of the tide and none where found on the outgoing tide...the young fella had a ball catchin the one stage they where hooking up b4 he could put the rod back into the holder
cheers rosco