Well the call for a offshore trip was cancelled after the weather gods decided they didnt want me and captain seaweed catching all the fish in 1 day so a crab trip it was to be, pulled up to Marty's before 5, pots loaded and we're off to secret spot number 1,234.984.
In the water and pots deployed by 7 just in time for the rains to come, out come the poncho's and may aswell try this plastic fishing everyone is carrying on about. Well the rain must of scared the fish off, decided it was time to check the pots for 1 keeper move the pots. A tourist drive around the islands, a girlie scream from marty as a crab crawls over his foot some laughing from me and new places ive never seen, back to try the pots and pull the first for 10 muddies ( youve heard it here first, Marty with his new cat will be unstoppable when he's after the crabs and not the one's in Muddies pants either).
He should really look at changing his name to Crabtain or even crabster, crab whisperer even, because the next pot had 6 in them, well blow me over but its a quick deploy with the pots in the same place and check the others...
hmm 2 missing pots and lets go back and collect the others time to go home, more crabs in the esky from the 2 pots and lets collect the last pot, stuck on a tree and try to remove with brute force, didn't work try the grapel (anchor) oops that didn't work either on the plus side i should have a new anchor on the boat next trip.
back to the ramp, marty joins the group of people who CAN'T drive my boat on the trailer, dont feel bad that line is longer than the people that can. a great day out and will be going again in 3 short weeks.