There hasnt been one of these reports for a while now so i thought i may as well throw one up. Last Friday I went with bill and two other fellas that were father and son ( Lyell and Steve) on bills boat for a bar crossing coarse. Met at raby bay ramp at 6:10 after running late because no ATMs were working. Shot over to the bar in about 30 mins with bills autopilot ( next on the list with a radar as of Friday) . Greeted by a heap of slop. Tide running in with about 3 meters of swell. Bill drove us out through the southern channel but it was too dangerous for us to be practicing on. Shot over to the northern channel and began practice right away. The three of us taking turns shooting through the bar looking for breaks in swell. Getting shown where sand banks are and how to read them. Had some morning tea which I gotta say his mrs knows how to cook some sick as coconut bread. Back into it we were riding on top of breaking waves coming in getting shown how to follow them and also ride down them. After the tide changed we learnt how to go Through pressure waves. We were the only boat out there and watched a trawler go halfway through the bar only to sit there. Just before the last sand bank and eventually turn around on it and head home. At all times I felt safe and by the end of the day I was totally confident I could do a bar crossing on the spb in my own boat. I also told bill next time I'm up ill be taking my dad and we will do a fishing coarse.
To anyone thinking of it get out and do it, it's money we'll spent and in my eyes a investment in my safety.
If your reading this bill thanks for the top day!