Hi all,
Just a quick note to all Ausfisher's that I'm seeking support in 'The world's greatest shave' this year. Other priorities come to mind streight away when it comes to giving a couple $ to charity - i.e. the recent fires down south and floods here in CQ which have affected myself, family and friends.
Unfortunatly Cancer can get any of us at any time so i thought i'd do my bit. I've had dreadlocks for some years now and have decided (wife) to shave them off!! How anyone will recognise me after March 15th I don't know!!I would greatly appreciate any donations via the website (donate to IsaacDahlitz) or the link below.
Also thanks to Steve for advising me to post this even though it is not fishing related.
http://my.leukaemiafoundation.org.au/IsaacDahlitz?utm_source=AndroidApp&utm_medium= Email&utm_campaign=ArtezMobile
Here's a photo of me with a fish though, thanks in advance.