Gees Adam. What did they stitch you up with? It looks like whipper snipper cord or blue building wire.
I'm also hoping that is not your arm, or more precisely, or elbow. If it is your elbow.....well sorry matey
Gees Adam. What did they stitch you up with? It looks like whipper snipper cord or blue building wire.
I'm also hoping that is not your arm, or more precisely, or elbow. If it is your elbow.....well sorry matey
I intend on living far so good
Those rules have been around for decades, just not enforced for the average Joe. It is about time a brush up on what rules actually affect you and your loads should be undertaken. Be thankful you were not requested to go over the pit, they have the disgression to order it.
Think it was whipper snipper cord Scott.......he couldn't find the building wire.... it was my thumb, all good now.
if it helps any of you big blokes feel better i think i will get 1 also. otherwise i might end up with a case of poofy bag envy and we just cant have that...
fishing's as simple as 3 P's - patience, perserverance and PLASTIC!
I think it is fair enough that a marker be attached to something that protrudes beyond 1200 mm behind the trailer lights and reflectors and I definitely agree that rear tie downs must be used. I have often thought run the gauntlet, I am only 10 minute drive to ramp, but I end up putting them on, they only take a couple of minutes. At the end of the day I wouldn't want my 2 tonne + of boat bouncing off and squashing a family on their way to school, or I just wouldn't want it to bounce off at all.
Have to say I am always a bit disturbed looking at the numerous unroadworthy boat trailers at any ramp on a good weather day, specifically brakes that obviously haven't worked for years, badly rusted wheels, perished tyres, you name it. They put us all at risk on the road.
Just thought I'd add if you tow before dawn after dusk you require two red reflectors or a clearence light on the prop, so if your buying one make sure it has a that. Specs are in the link below ( page 6)
pretty sure the props on my two boats are under 1.2 from the back of the trailer so I'm not doing squat. watch out uncoordinated kiddies.
Is everything inside the boat secured by a load rated method complete with certification?
If they're gunna get you they'll get you for something. The only consideration is how hard do they look.
My train of thought is not to give them anything to draw attention to ME.
I just went and measured the little 15 short leg Honda on the tiny tinny and when the motor is fully tilted it measures about 1m. In normal travelling position it is about 850-900mm
It would not take much of a boat to go past the magical, mystical 1200mm on that reckoning.
I intend on living far so good
I guess in a way, anything at all that makes life safer for you and the general public is a good thing, it might pee us off, it might take 5 mins extra at the ramp, but in the long run, after a few years, we will get used to doing the "extra" job before we leave, just like madatory seat belts and all the other "inconvenient" laws that come in, you do something for long enough, it just becomes normal. I don't profess to be some sort of law lover or anything else, I personally do not put any sot of tie downs on my boat, being a cat, it would be damn near impossible to come off in any direction but forward or backwards, and I have that covered, I also do not have any glow in the dark bags over my props, but I guess in a way, why not? maybe I will get a couple, just "because"
I have a prop cover just like in the first post, purchased it, then sold the boat. So it never got used, suits a big motor with a big prop, it was to big for my suzi 140. PM me if you want it.
Maturity is not when we start speaking BIG things,it is when we start understanding small things
Actually, I need to put my hand up as one that has been cut by a Prop. Happened last year at the 1770 M&G. Was walking past the back of Rob's boat, put my hand on the prop as I passed, and sliced my hand. Not quite needing stitches, but close. On closer inspection, it was like a razorblade. I had just assumed it would be smooth.