Just took the boat to Jeffers to have a couple of things done and was pulled over by traffic compliance officer about the boat on trailer.
He went from one end to the other and his concern to pull me over was the motor propeller not having a cover on it - just my luck had it on last trip and even launched the boat with it still in place
Anyway the officer said to let all I know be aware that failure to have something on the propeller with propeller more than 1200mm from back of trailer and that is where the backboard lights and number plate sits, not the end of the rollers and frame will attract an $80 fine.
The back of the boat must be held down - you can have as many securities at the front as I have with five, but the back must be held down or else you will attract a $200 fine for this too.
I have added tie down lugs to the back of my boat for rear securing but that is work in progress so for return trip home I will take these with me.
I described the cover I normally put on the prop and he was happy with that as he said it will protect the likes of children passing it and being cut when parked roadside