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Thread: Some pics of today's weather and tides.

  1. #1

    Some pics of today's weather and tides.

    Went for a quick look at the water around today's high tide to see what the Pine was like. Amazingly, when I got to Deep Water Bend ramp there was a trailer in the car park and no sign of the owner - I guess you'd be OK under the bridges. The water was right up into the car park and all through the picnic area, but the river itself was fairly calm and I couldn't see any floating debris at this stage. There was a bit of water (about 20cm deep) over the road into DWB but nothing to worry about. It was interesting to note that the water, instead of flowing out of the swamp into the mangroves, because of the high tide was flowing out of the mangroves and into the swamp!
    I then went across the Houghton Highway where the breakin waves going up the Pine and into Haye's Inlet were quite spectacular. Looking out across the Bay from Scott's Point was also pretty awesome although visibility was fairly low.
    The esplanade along the front of Sandgate was closed for most of its length with most of the streets leading down to it blocked off, so I didn't bother joining the crowds walking down to have a look. A large fig tree had been blown over up on the hill at Shorncliffe and the yachts in the marina in Cabbage Tree Creek were bouncing around a bit in the swell coming into the creek. For some reason none of the stalls selling prawns off the trawlers were open.
    Maybe I'll wait until tomorrow!
    Cheers Freeeedom
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  2. #2
    I went there for a look today also. That same car and trailer was there before midday when we drove through. He's keen going out on a day like this.

    Cheers, Kero
    Sent from my Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 2
    Leigh (Kero).

  3. #3

    Re: Some pics of today's weather and tides.

    Did you guys see the jet ski dude on the news.
    Doesn't give you much faith in their mentality.

  4. #4

    Re: Some pics of today's weather and tides.

    Gon fishun, down the road from my house at redcliffe there were guys out on jet skis, kayaks and surfboards. Mustve been blowing at least 40knots and very close to rocks. I heard later than one got stretchered away... was he the one on the news? down flinders parade area
    Dad reckons fishing is 10% brains and 95% muscle, the rest is just good luck.

  5. #5

    Re: Some pics of today's weather and tides.

    Quote Originally Posted by kingcray View Post
    Gon fishun, down the road from my house at redcliffe there were guys out on jet skis, kayaks and surfboards. Mustve been blowing at least 40knots and very close to rocks. I heard later than one got stretchered away... was he the one on the news? down flinders parade area
    I only saw one bloke on a jet ski, and it was a short report. Nothing about being injured.

    By the look of the water and beach, and I think they said it was Redcliffe.

  6. #6

    Re: Some pics of today's weather and tides.

    Great pics! Scott's Point looks like the last scene from Point Break - was looking for Bodhi amongst the waves.


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