need more info, how do I retrieve my crabs
talking to the guy who delivered my tiles this morning and about 2 weeks ago he set his pots out and was anchored fishing at the end of the line, a couple of young guys about 19 pulled up in a tinnie, lifted his pots and were off before he could even think of what to do. He chased them downs as far as Roys where the fellas threw the pots on the bank and when confronted were terribly indignant claiming the pots were theirs. They wouldn't back downand at this stage his mate who hadn't left his mates boat got out and he is a big guy about 4 times my size, he made a slight adjustment to the floating capabilities of their tinnie, got their pots back and left. Don't know the final outcome but apparently he was sick of having his pots stolen and took what he thought was appropriate action. He mentioned another couple of guys pulling snags out of the top of Coochin Creek about a month ago with their 4wd, apparently they were snagging their lures, sounds more like more share farmers and the snags were just in their way
Just like a Go Pro but cheaper. I use them to monitor my boat.
BarCrusher 670HT "Spook"
The problem with a Go Pro or something similar is that it needs to be mounted somewhere to keep an eye on the pots which is a bit hard in some of the places I put pots and as per above story they steal them from under your nose and then get irate that you accuse them of stealing your property. the amount of effort these guys go to to steal your pots you would think it would be easier if they had their own.
At the moment the passage is giving up lots of debris etc but is starting to settle so by the time you get back it should be quite fishable, the crabs should start by about wednesday again although I will be looking at some sot of preventive measure this time around if I get my backside moving and continue on with my renovations.
Hey Boys i have to have my 2 bobs worth here. Dropped 8 pots just after dark last night went back early this morning to pick them up. Well "Low and Behold" only found 3 which had been slashed i'm presuming the other 5 were stolen. If i ever catch anyone tampering with my pots again "Got to make more" there will be hell on water. I'm over this "Shit" and i for 1 will take matters into my own hands, with whatever consequences it may bring. I'm a very uncompromising type of dude who can't fathom why these "Scum" do this type of thing.
Not a happy Crabber. Cheers Manta Man.
Hey Manta what's your location?
Damo's dodgy boat repairs.
1993 bermuda by Haines 530f - completed resto.
1976 cruisecraft rogue 14 - estuary weapon.
1984 vickers easyrider 156 - future project.
Caboolture area. Oh and no Anthony Mundine jokes hey. LOL
The location was approx 3 km's up from the Toorbul Boat Ramp. When i came back spoke to one of the locals who leaves his pots opposite his house and they had been slashed as well or stolen 3 times last week. Was the first time i had tried this area, and will be the last mmm maybe. I want to catch some of these Mother F.....s
Got nothing in Glasshouse Mountain Creek yesterday with a combo of dillies and setpots and covered a fair bit of area from 11am till 5pm.
Took 4 setpots out to Cabo river today and set them at marks given to me by a friend. Threw one out and looked away and then checked to make sure I didnt run it over. Gone!!!! Rope must have tangled and pulled the float under. Hopefully it will be the on the lower tide this arvo when I pull them out.
Friend was very wary of leaving them there DURING the day (neither of us would leave pots o/night) but maybe with all the boats around that might scare of the sharefarmers.
we may have to get together and have about 4 boats staggerred at different locations within easy running distance and a spotter on the banks and when the pots get raided every one descend upon the culprits and scare the beejesus out of them, need to think on a scaring strategy that is "legal" but then again maybe not so legal as these beggars are getting more blatant and seem to think it is their right to take what is not theirs and damage the pots in the process.
Got one decent buck today that was pretty close to full. Lost one pot that I never paid for (came with the boat).
Talked to a guy when I went back (4:30 pm) who was launching when I left earlier so he had been out there crabbing for around 4-5 hours with his mate in a large (5.1m)1/2 cab tinny. He got 2 keeper bucks for the whole time. He was also saying he had around 8 pots stolen in the last month and his mate had his slashed and they actually know who it is. Wouldnt like to be that guy in the next 2 weeks
Dignity.....I`m in.....Scaring strategy can be a video camera running pointed at them from different boats as they converge on the pricks.....I reckon that identifying them would be the worst (legal)punishment. (just made that up) would be the best place to post the videos as well as Youtube.