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Thread: Jewfish at Straddie?

  1. #1

    Smile Jewfish at Straddie?

    Hi - I'm spending a few weeks at Point Lookout, and one of my life's dreams is to catch a jewfish - Could anybody give me a few tips as to how I might achieve this end? - I know this sort of information is often regarded as being as sensitive as Official State Secrets - So if anyone is concerned about letting too many people onto their spot, etc., they could always pm me!

  2. #2

    Re: Jewfish at Straddie?

    I heard of a few being caught off Flinders at night but most of the big jew I hear of are caught at the Pin end of Straddy. I dont know enough about them, they are as elusive as Big Red Emporer. I have heard live taylor as bait or a ball of beach worms.....cant help ya more than that. There were taylor netted off Flinders around new years FYI

    Living the dream, Barry

  3. #3

    Re: Jewfish at Straddie?

    A few months ago I met a guy who was catching them every night from a hole down at the pin. He was casting from the beach.
    Conditions were favourable - there was a perfect hole at the right spot for casting and the tides/swell worked etc. He was also fishing dead low tide in the middle of the night - doing the hard yards!
    So you can get them. Dunno if they are around at the moment though.

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