Barracuda looks to be about 14kg and the Trout prob about 12kg. Trout would be illegal if shot in QLD in the last 10yrs or so... max length for Blue-spot trout is 80cm in QLD. The footballer might also be illegal under the same law.. min size 50cm. Looks like an oldish photo so they may have been shot before the laws came in about 8 to 10 yrs ago.. not exactly sure when.
Did you just edit the aforementioned trout photo and replace it with the jewie shot?? Bit sneaky... Jewie would be over 20 kg by the looks.
I would say the Jewie is 55kg.
Maybe it is just the photo but it looks big.
Jew would be low 20's, barracuda looks similar ball park. Very solid jew but not alot of length in him.
Great fish.
That's what scales are for.
Or do you think you've done something impressive?
Nice fish mate, well done! Not really sure about the colour silver though. Maybe something big & RED!!!
I'm still waiting for the weight?
Or maybe length would give a ball park estimate.
WHY SHOot that barracuda! what a shame/ waste
The weird thing about this bogus thread is that brrbear has not really responded or told us anything about the photos.