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Murray Cod and Carp
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Thread: Murray Cod and Carp

  1. #1
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Murray Cod and Carp

    I was just wondering if there is a relationship between the number of Murray Cod in a stream and the number of ccccarp.

    From my observations it seems that a stream with good Cod numbers has fewer small carp and streams with fewer Cod more carp of all sizes.

    I know that some years ago we would get small carp in our crayfish traps and they were without a doubt the best bait for a good cod. I know it is illegal now to use a carp for bait but in those days we also used frogs and bobbing around a log would catch a few good yellowbelly.

    The first indication I have had was visiting South Australia in the early 80's and a statement was made in the local press that it was possible that the Cod and Yellowbelly had to some degree turned the tables on the carp and were eating them back in the Murray.

    Also in rivers where there are good Cod numbers only large carp seem to be present.

    I am probably thinking of the Condamine system, a few Cod, compared to the
    border rivers, Cod more frequent.
    What are your thoughts on this opinion?

    Have Fun Haji-Baba

  2. #2

    Re: Murray Cod and Carp

    I think its a good point, no doubt a good population of cod would control the carp, and take out more juvenile carp, hence shutting down the breeding. Perhaps the carp got greater headway as cod were fished to almost minimums in some areas.
    I remember catching my first carp in the Condamine, in the late 80.s. I actually sat on the bank and cried! I know it was over, something had changed for ever, and we can only hope that the native fish will eventually prevail against carp.
    I lived in europe for 8 years, and funnily over there they are treasured, highly sought and a readily eaten!
    Bring on the Cod! Breed up boys!

  3. #3
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: Murray Cod and Carp

    Yes Flatzie, I wrote to one of the Craarp protection groups in England and and voiced my opinion, not very well recieved at all.

    Apparently a big business in carp fishing over there and big money changes hands to be allowed to fish by permit only.

    Don't worry there is a big market for carp here in southern states.

    We were in Canberra 20 years ago and the local fish shop outlets were fishing them out of the lake with big landing nets burleyed with sweet corn.

    I passed a blanket ban on buying fish and chips there I can tell you.

    I have, over the years taken out quite a few with small led pellets when they surface whilst feeding/slurping on lilly leaves.

    Enough, don't get me started.

    Have Fun Haji-Baba.

  4. #4

    Re: Murray Cod and Carp

    Cod eat the carp.
    Carp eat cod food.
    So the Cod has to have the upper hand to hold dominance, like most things.

    Cod are not schooling fish so their equilibrium is quite different to that of an exploitative species like carp.

    In other words the less carp the better as they breed very quickly and get big numbers.
    Even though cod can eat them, their numbers build quickly and they can survive well in high disturbance environments.


  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member odes20's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Re: Murray Cod and Carp

    With good cod being caught in the Condamine/Balonne at present , it looks like a good resurgence in those areas at least. cant help thinking that restocking efforts have and will help greatly though, until some kind of genetic warfare breakthru occurs against carp, and Tilapia for that matter
    "let not he boast who puts his armor on, as he who takes it off"

  6. #6

    Re: Murray Cod and Carp

    Over 40 metre plus cod caught around Mildura way recently so the biguns are still there. The carp make good food for them but I don't enough about overall numbers to hazard a guess.

  7. #7
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: Murray Cod and Carp

    Hi! Odes, you mentioned Tilapia, I have caught them as far north as Gordonvale and west to Herberton. Often get them in the cane drains when fishing for mud cod for barra bait.

    I suppose it won't be long before they are in The Burdekin if not all ready there.

    Jack, I had a yarn to an older fisherman years ago at one of the Northern Rivers of N.S.W.
    He was very vocal about trout fingerlings they were putting in the local river.

    His only complaint was that the local cod loved them and consumed quite a few.

    My response was,"put in more trout and feed the cod."

    I don't think he wanted to talk to after that statement.

    I would just love to see a big cod lurking behind a log ambushing carp as they came along.

    Have Fun Haji-Baba

  8. #8
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    We went out dogging pigs and a bit of fishing on the bollon the water was so clean managed a few cod yellas and Jew after the floods the carp are in every dam all the fellas out there reckon small carp are really good bait for cod and big yellow belly

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