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Thread: Alligator Ck/Fitzroy junction

  1. #1

    Alligator Ck/Fitzroy junction

    Went for a drive in behind Etna creek to look for places to fish the upper fitzroy and came across a small boat ramp at the end of the public road. Thinking that it is the Alligator Ck and fitzroy river junction. Water is clean compaired to the fresh above the wall. Can anyone provide some feed back onfishing in the area.

  2. #2
    Ausfish Bronze Member Qlder1's Avatar
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    May 2011

    Re: Alligator Ck/Fitzroy junction

    Sounds like Aligator ck. Fished there years ago, there was yellowbelly and we even got a Saratoga in there mixed up with a million catfish...

    It was a very pretty place with lots of snags and downed timber etc.

  3. #3

    Re: Alligator Ck/Fitzroy junction

    Put the boat in yesterday afternoon and threw some hard bodies around for a couple of hours. No takers but enjoyed the time on the water looing for new spots. Qlder1 you are right about the timber and snags there are endless spots to stop and try.
    I rang Barra Jacks before I went and the bloke I was talking to said it is the junction. There are blenty of big barra and yellow belly in the area but also a lot of big swamp dogs. I will head back with a hand full of soft plastics an see what jumps on.

  4. #4
    Ausfish Bronze Member Qlder1's Avatar
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    May 2011

    Re: Alligator Ck/Fitzroy junction

    If I remember correctly we got the odd Yellowbelly trolling deep divers along the dropoff where the original creek bank would have been pre barrage. The only saratoga I remember catching was on a tiny popper with a propellor thing on it.

    I wouldn't like to be there at night, big chance of running into logs with teeth

  5. #5

    Re: Alligator Ck/Fitzroy junction

    Have you been back to this spot dave? I'm interested to hear how you went. I have always talked about fishing this spot with a mate as alligator creek always looks fishy when driving over the bridge but have never gotten around to it. I have fished the freshwater side of the fitzroy in winter and had a few hits from barra on surface lures.

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Seaforth QLD & Cairns

    Re: Alligator Ck/Fitzroy junction

    I've hunted the land around this area and up to the back of Yamba since I was a kid, my old man has done the same, as did his old man. Not too much in the way of fishing since a few years after the barrage went in, used to be good Barra up there, but now days seems to just be eels and catfish. We've seen a number of crocs up there over the years, still baffles me that people water ski at the junction, from the little island on the Fitzroy side. It was a nice little beach on the eastern side, but the floods have washed a fair bit of it away.
    A good run in a boat is to put in at the ramp on the eastern side just north of the barrage, and run the river all the way up to Alligator Ck. Ya obviously gotta get someone to bring the trailer up, but it was a good run. You can run the Fitzroy all the way up to behind Yamba Pub, takes a few hours, and a couple of places you gotta get out and pull the boat over some shallows, but is a good day if you want to go exploring, just take it easy, there's alot of submerged logs, cut off trees just under the waterline.


  7. #7

    Re: Alligator Ck/Fitzroy junction

    No I have not been back but plan to once the water settles a bit. Talking to another guy at work who has done a fair bit of fishing there had a couple of good snags that had produced a lot of good barra before the floods. We will be heading down back in a couple of weeks for a look.

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