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Thread: red claw bait

  1. #1

    red claw bait

    whats the best,ive heard lots of things do the job,whats your best bait and at what depth is the best for results,im going to tinaroo in a week or so and its been stinking hot and no rain,but i reckon it may rain before we go..
    what do you redclaw boys reckon

    cheers marty

  2. #2

    Re: red claw bait

    Old pillies work well, mate. So too, pineapple rind and watermelon rind.
    Any depth from 5 to 25 ft.

  3. #3

    Re: red claw bait

    hey marty most of my catches have been landbased so i dont think depth matters a lot. Just always look for logs, trees etc.
    Ive always caught plenty using rockmelon, sweet potato, pumpkin, corn cobs... any veges really as i believe they are mainly vegetarian. Others do use mullet, pillies, cat food and even soap will attract them. There are loads of threads on here about what others use as bait. They are not fussy at all.
    Im waiting for a good downpour before i bother going after them again, so hope you get some rain before your trip.

    Dad reckons fishing is 10% brains and 95% muscle, the rest is just good luck.

  4. #4

    Re: red claw bait

    20 foot is the magic number for me and i only use rockmelon. Set your pots around some structure, I usually look for a rocky area or sunken timber.

  5. #5

    Re: red claw bait

    Rockmelon, 2.5m - 5mtrs at this stage will get you a feed

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