Looking at getting an AMM 6.8 Centre Cab built within the next month.
Any reviews or help re: ride, performance, power options etc?
Looking at getting an AMM 6.8 Centre Cab built within the next month.
Any reviews or help re: ride, performance, power options etc?
Getting the boat finished within the next month or ordering one within the next month?
Amm do make a very good boat but do have a price tag to match. Have you tried Sam at Performance Plate Boats Brendale? He also does a great boat at a more reasonable cost. I've got a 5.5m boat of his and am very happy with it.
Expensive but good they are ment to ride well. Maybe have a look at riptide.
AMM build great boats - if they fit your budget
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!
Riptide make a great boat. Price appears to be better as well.
All advice given above is good from my experience and yes AMM made a pretty boat that rides well.
From a construction point of view you would do well to see if the manufacture involves a lot of stitch welding and then finished with bog to make a nice smooth fibreglass look or if you get visible continous welds.
The reason I mention this is the rail around the hull on my Noble is stitch welded and then bogged - over time the bog lets go as the manufacture process where the hull is acid washed before finished traps residue under the rail and then over time this lifts the bog and spoils the finish - very difficult to guarantee against.
But some manufacturers put in place a continous weld and don't bog - doesn't look as pretty first up but as I have a hull with some bog cracks/blister a few years down the track. I know which finish I would prefer.
I am not bagging one brand over another - just giving you some advice and take it or leave it.
Good luck with your purchase.
With a 6.8m centre cab Noble was limited to a 225hp and is a slug with that. You will need minimum 250hp.
My mate has a 6.8 AMM with a 225 yammy on the back. Good solid boat and rides well he's had it about 2 yrs no problems the motor was new and now has 1200hrs so it gets used well. Fair price tag of about 110k for complete fit out but great boat if you have the coin.
Cheers JB
I'm after a ~6.8m bare aluminum hull only, other than Riptide and Goldstar are there any other suggestions?
you could give col a ring at origin boats. regards, tony.
Cheers Axl
a lot of the McLay boats range from NZ come with a bare finish, nice looking things but cant comment past that.