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Thread: It is closed season isn't it

  1. #46
    Ausfish Platinum Member odes20's Avatar
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    Re: It is closed season isn't it

    Missed my point in 2 ways Mossy.

    Firstly building a shoddy deck is not a petty issue. Read my post again, Im not against people taking personal resp.

    Secondly, knowing about a new speed zone does become a driver's responsibility, but having police go there to take advantage during the first week or two is downright immoral in my view. No differnt than animals flocking to a carcass. Its opportunistic thuggery. And I repeat, Im not against policing. I have been let off by both Water Police/fisheries in my time and by Traffic Police in petty situations, It was reasonable for them to do so. Also, I have been booked for traffic Offences at times when I fully deserved to be. Thankfully never been booked for a Fisheries Offence as like most, I happily strive to do the right thing.
    Im an employer, and firm about process and application, but I dont use every opportunity to shred people for petty human failure. Hence we have good morale in the work place. And I think that most of community would have an encouraged attitude toward those policing laws if there was some room for grace toward those who commit petty offences, when any human being with a grain of empathy can see the situation humanely.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mossy247 View Post
    When is it people are going to accept some responsibility. If you don't know then don't touch. Its the world we live in. Everything is controlled by regulations or laws. I don't know much about building but if I was to build a deck, that deck failed as I didn't comply with regulations peoples lives lost... Ohhh don't be harsh guys I didn't know there was regulations about building and safety complience? Pfftttt BS..... Ummmm my fault! I am responsible. People need to be accountable for their actions. Police change the speed limit in an area? Is it there job to make the public aware? No, You as a road user must be aware of the rules and regulations which govern us as a society at any level. The amount of people that still don't know the correct snapper laws (4 with 1 over 70) is insane, what would suffice for most people as sufficient broadcasting?
    "let not he boast who puts his armor on, as he who takes it off"

  2. #47
    Ausfish Platinum Member Camhawk88's Avatar
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    Re: It is closed season isn't it

    Quote Originally Posted by MudRiverDan View Post
    Really who cares about the bloody farm Barra, it was not spawning and will not spawn in the Coomera, the only thing that spawns in the Coomera are catfish, pike eels, car bonnet sting rays and bull sharks.

    I believe the DPI should fine him if they have secure evidence that Barra are spawning and breeding in the Coomera.

    Jeez you sprout some rubbish at times Dan!

    Let em know of a farm that grows barra out to 10kg? They grow them to 750gm for whole fish and 3kg for the fillet market, IF this fish came from farmed stock (not that it makes any difference) it would have been at large for at least 3 -4 years ie. a wild fish capable of breeding.

    Do they breed that far south? Maybe ,maybe not but that is hardly the point. The rules are there for the whole state for all barra during that period. By your figuring we can go out to spawning aggregation points (I know a few) wait for the big girls to do their thing then catch them- Mr Fisheries officer it has no spawn so I think I should be able to keep it. same with undersize- they aren't spawning are they?

    Really mate sometimes I wonder why you speak on subjects you have little knowledge of.

  3. #48
    Ausfish Platinum Member odes20's Avatar
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    Re: It is closed season isn't it

    Extremist Views camhawk, reasonable, not extreme analogies please. You and old mate with the shoddy deck story. Be reasonable. Glad youre not a policing officer in my area.
    "let not he boast who puts his armor on, as he who takes it off"

  4. #49

    Re: It is closed season isn't it

    Quote Originally Posted by Camhawk88 View Post
    Jeez you sprout some rubbish at times Dan!

    Let em know of a farm that grows barra out to 10kg? They grow them to 750gm for whole fish and 3kg for the fillet market, IF this fish came from farmed stock (not that it makes any difference) it would have been at large for at least 3 -4 years ie. a wild fish capable of breeding.

    Do they breed that far south? Maybe ,maybe not but that is hardly the point. The rules are there for the whole state for all barra during that period. By your figuring we can go out to spawning aggregation points (I know a few) wait for the big girls to do their thing then catch them- Mr Fisheries officer it has no spawn so I think I should be able to keep it. same with undersize- they aren't spawning are they?

    Really mate sometimes I wonder why you speak on subjects you have little knowledge of.
    I doubt very much you could show me a spawning aggregation point in the Commera river.

    Like I said, I have never seen such a load of baloney in all my like.

    Your lucky to catch a picker bream in the Coomera at most times and your telling me it may be a spawning area?

    I may not know anything but have done a lot of fishing (also done environmental science, including marine science), and yeah, your opinion is lacking in any fact or evidence.

    Your sprouting the rubbish mate.


  5. #50
    Ausfish Platinum Member Camhawk88's Avatar
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    Re: It is closed season isn't it

    Read it again Dan. I think you will find my opinion is backed by fact- the grow out strategies of barra farms and the age/growth index of barra (alluded to in that a 10kg barra is approx 8-9 years old and a 3kg model approx 3-4 years old). How do I know? I have worked barra farms and have a Bsc in MB (if we are going to compare education credentials).

    Who said anything about a spawning aggregation point in the Coomera? I said I know of some and going by you theory it would be ok to target freshly spawned barra out of season as they are unlikely to re-spawn that season ( not an extreme analogy btw Odes- just showing up the stupidity of the premise by applying it in a slightly different situation). In fact I will garantee you 100% there is no spawning ag. points in the Commera- or any other river for that matter as they move out of the rivers into bays and headlands to do their thing- get a book and look it up if you want to check the facts.

    Just a thought- fish have fins and a tail (fact last I looked) and can move around- just because it was caught in the Coomera does not mean it may not travel further afield in the next couple of months to spawn.

    Bottom line- the rules are in place- have been for over 20 years, if you dont know them and get done- stiff bikies. Just ask the bloke who kept and bragged to the paper about his big QLD Grouper a few years ago (Courier Mail 2008 I believe).

  6. #51

    Re: It is closed season isn't it

    Quote Originally Posted by MudRiverDan View Post
    There is Barra farms maybe not in the Coomera but adjoining rivers (I just Googled it).

    To be brutally honest, and I mean brutally honest, I am surprised at how readily a pack of fisherman attack another fellow fisherman for wetting a line and catching a Barra.
    If this is the sort of crap a guy has to endure because he caught a Barra in the stinkin filthy old Coomera, over developed river then its pretty sad.

    I mean I have been accused of some petty complaints in my time, BUT THIS ONE TAKES THE CAKE!

    Mate ... It's not about where ,how or why it was caught - it's about when !
    Who knows - there really may be a spawning aggregation around the gold coast ..... you just dont know .
    it surprised a lot of people that the Mary river has one ........ but when the word got out - what happened ?

    You probably didn't know either ...... but Narrabeen Lake (Sydney) had a reasonably healthy Mangrove Jack population prior to the 1970's - It was wiped out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Nature can throw out some real curve balls at times - Fools that ignore this fact can screw it up big time (for ever)

    this knob - who caught the barra (out of season) - then advertised it ...... then told fisheries where to go (indirectly) - deserves the weight of the law to come down on him ......... for being a knob as much as the catching , killing and eating a out of season barra

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

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