Cut from the previous link.... ~~~I have posted this earlier to another comment. I am one of the victims stung, i was stung between wathumba and awinya ck 7 days ago. My friend also, he was airlifted out and spent 4days in intensive care, i thought he would die in the car with me on our way to orchid as he was much worse then me and could barely breathe. Both our symptoms were textbook irukandji symptoms and they are still hitting us 7 days on. It is the most pain i have ever endured my whole life and i could say the same for my friend. This is not to be taken lightly, 10 years ago these things werent heard of, so it would be pretty silly to think that there southern movment is impossible. My thoughts are with the small children suffering with the stings, its frightening for an adult let alone a child. I think they and agl crew and medical staff deserve our respect because i can assure any of you, if you are ever stung by one, you are going to hope they arent far away. I am currently at my gp's office comparing box, blue bottle, and irukandji stings. Irukandji is nothing like either the other two. Do your research.~~~ Doesn't sound like a bluebottle sting to me.....