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Thread: Stray Collie Cross Dog for Bait?

  1. #1
    Ausfish Addict Chimo's Avatar
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    Jun 2006
    Gold Coast

    Stray Collie Cross Dog for Bait?

    Anyone used dog as bait on hook or in pots? Found this mutt this morning that must have run off with all the fireworks on the Gold Coast the other day and its run so far its pads and nails are bleeding.DSCF0511.jpgDSCF0512.jpgDSCF0513.jpgDSCF0514.jpgDSCF0515.jpgSo just wondering about uses for it if the worst come to pass and no one wants it back.

    Not a real happy new year for it so far and maybe it will get better, maybe not but seems a shame to waste it.

    On a similar vein we always reckon that if your going to let your dog swim in the canals you should always make sure you have a decent hook and trace through the collar so as not to waste it.

    This mutt doesn't have a collar so no canal swimming for it just now and its too stuffed anyhow, gave it a drink and it had it and just fell asleep!

    What could go wrong.......................

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member Funchy's Avatar
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    Re: Collie Cross Dog for Bait?

    Hey mate, if you take it to a vet they can scan it for a micro chip and if it has one locate the owner pretty quick? (Shouldnt cost a cent)

    Well done looking after the poor thing

  3. #3

    Re: Collie Cross Dog for Bait?

    ditto, good karma for you chimo

  4. #4

    Re: Stray Collie Cross Dog for Bait?

    if you phone the council they'll pick the dog up and scan for a microchip etc. cheers.

  5. #5
    He looks a bit like my dog. Bloody useless thing. He'll fetch a ball all day but do you think he could fetch me a beer?

    By the way, he has a collar and is microchipped.

  6. #6

    Re: Stray Collie Cross Dog for Bait?

    Just make sure muddy doesn't get his hands on it otherwise it may find itself main course at the dinner table.

  7. #7

    Re: Stray Collie Cross Dog for Bait?

    Quote Originally Posted by upstart View Post
    He looks a bit like my dog. Bloody useless thing. He'll fetch a ball all day but do you think he could fetch me a beer?

    By the way, he has a collar and is microchipped.
    The little black one looks dangerous

    That one you got Chimo looks sad - good luck with it mate - hopefully some kid pining for it and giving the parents plenty of grief!


  8. #8

    Re: Stray Collie Cross Dog for Bait?

    You could try your local RSPCA. keep an eye on local papers as someone might be advertising for it.

    Poor thing-- great you can help out.

    Mrs H

  9. #9
    Ausfish Addict Chimo's Avatar
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    Gold Coast

    Re: Stray Collie Cross Dog for Bait?

    Update for you all. Transported our mutt to the Animal Welfare League by Gold Coast Council and latest news is great news - dog has been reunited :-)

    All good so bait is off the table ....................

    Thanks for your interest.....

    What could go wrong.......................

  10. #10

    Re: Stray Collie Cross Dog for Bait?

    Animal welfare league do a bloody good job, even got my current dog from them!
    Good work for looking after it

  11. #11

    Re: Stray Collie Cross Dog for Bait?

    I know what its like to lose a dog to firecrackers. Mine bolted one NYE and we searched for a week for it then it just rocked up the driveway like nothing had happened. The owners of that hound would have been very happy. Well done Chimo.

  12. #12

    Re: Stray Collie Cross Dog for Bait?

    Well done Chimo, I often get stuck doing the right thing and bringing lost or injured animals home. I am sure the owner is happy now!!!

    Living the dream, Barry

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by TREVELLY View Post
    The little black one looks dangerous

    That one you got Chimo looks sad - good luck with it mate - hopefully some kid pining for it and giving the parents plenty of grief!
    You're right, that little rotty will have ya.

  14. #14
    Ausfish Platinum Member Funchy's Avatar
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    Re: Stray Collie Cross Dog for Bait?

    Well done to you Chimo

  15. #15

    Re: Stray Collie Cross Dog for Bait?

    great stuff mate. i remember when my bc was just a pup and nye came and he left. i thought it was for good. Some nice fellow called me up on the second of jan about 15 clicks away and said that my dog was siting on the couch watching the cricket and i was welcome to pick him up when i wanted. if i didn't want him he would take him. Thanks for doing the right thing.

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