There is a lot of info in the above site and there really is a lot to do at Agnes Water / 1770.
Do your own thing or.
Take the big cat out to Musgrave and snorkel / fish for the day, with them providing all services.
Take the LARK to Bustad Head for a great day exploring, all services provided.
The Eco-Kayak adventures are a great way to see the estuary and headland.
There are a number of day charters to scratch the reef fishing itch.
Quad bike adventures, Mini-Bikes, push bikes, golf, Bowls, 4 x 4 in National Parks, Museum, Places of interest are some distractions.
There are also places just outside town, like the Lavender Park....
Yes, there is the Tavern, which has sxpecial event nights, like Pool and Mechanical Bull Riding at different times of the year and usually have live entertainment on Friday nights.
There is the Captains Creek Community Hall that hosts great food on Thursday and Friday nights, with Red Emporer and chips for $12 being a special !!
Kahunas Bar serves great pizzas, The Surf Club does meals and cold beer and we must not forget The Tree, at 1770 for a cold beer to watch the sun set over water....
There is more............ Rules Beach, Baffle Creek, Eurimbula National Park with it's many creeks, Deep Water National Park with it's many rocky headland fishing spots and pre-historic, limited access creek, Pancake Creek and of course, landbased fishing from " The Catwalk ".
Even though you are not there at this time....
Cheers Phill