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Thread: Hitch Hikers Hoo's & Pizza

  1. #16

    Re: Hitch Hikers Hoo's & Pizza

    It was nice to be invited and picked up in style. I still swear Anthony was in gear as I was swimming up to the boat , it felt like 100m . Great day out and nice to meet Dick. Can't wait for the next one! Thanks for the day Anyhony, never a dull moment ! Any dollies at the wave rider anyone that day ??!
    Living the dream, Barry

  2. #17

    Re: Hitch Hikers Hoo's & Pizza

    Was a great day out thanks to Dick and the Captain and a good bit of footage from the boys too.
    As for the dollies I heard a few mixed stories on the day via VHF.Some were saying they were thick just out from the waverider and others say they struggled.....who do you believe?

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