Well done Dean. A nice bag of fish there mate.
Well done Dean. A nice bag of fish there mate.
Cheers, Doug.
Love to use Preditek or Kingfisher lures or Viva Lures when I am out fishing.
well done dean dome good fish there
Tim I find seabreeze is pretty good and it depends where you launch from in a 4.2 boat anything over 12kn and .7m sea.s gets a bit ugly ,if heading over from anywhere on the northside you also have to watch the wind and wave ,current action from just before the brissie river mouth it can stand the waves up and make them short and sharp
TIMBOO - shane is spot on. I rely on seabreeze normally but use coastwatch for back up. Willyweather will tell you what you want to see all year round, dont trust it at all. An ideal weather forecast for me leaving from Redcliffe would be early morning SW or SE wind of about 5knots or less, and a SE of no more than 10knots around 11 -12 o clock. A lot to hope for yes but thats what it was yesterday. Yesterday morning when i left at 6, there wasnt a breath, back home around 10 still very calm but the breeze picked up slightly not long after, and it turned very rough very quick.
Dad reckons fishing is 10% brains and 95% muscle, the rest is just good luck.
Thanks guys, i head out of the mouth if i go. Haven't been to mud for a while but sounds like there are some fish to be had. Ive been getting a feed down the southern bay islands so havent really needed to go up... I use either a 3.7m fibreglass or 17ft fibreglass mustang half cab so really get the best of both worlds but love flicking plastics and hardbodies out of the little rig which is why i asked on wind and what not...