I have a couple of Jerry cans full of old fuel (unleaded). Whats the best way to get rid of it? Its over 15 months old.
I have a couple of Jerry cans full of old fuel (unleaded). Whats the best way to get rid of it? Its over 15 months old.
A Proud Member of
"The Rebel Alliance"
Lawn mower, kill some weeds, farm ute.
Are you sure its no good? If it been in a sealed steel jerry can you may be ditching ULP that you could well use. That's not to say we are looking a gift horse in the mouth!
Happy New Year
PS If its mixed with 2 stroke oil and it off it will smell a bit like tangy turps, if its straight ULP that's off you could always compare it to the look and smell of freshly bought ULP (IMHO)
What could go wrong.......................
could try octane boost
I'm sure I've seen stuff advertised that's supposed to "freshen up" petrol....... smallish bottles of it.
If you've got a couple of 20 litre drums of old petrol it might be worth while to spend some dollars to save about $60 bucks worth of old fuel.
Can't think what it's called atm tho.........
If its that old its just not worth the risk of unsing it anywhere that matters.
Have a smell if it smells musty rather than sharp and fruity its well off.
If its properly off it wont even run in the mower.
will still work for washing parts, still kills weeds and ants.
If its off ya not going to "freshen it up", the best you can hope for is mixing it with fresh fuel and buring it something unimportant.
Its the details, those little details, that make the difference.
Yea, I just dont trust it. It doesn't smell bad but to me its not worth the risk to put in boat or wifeys car
A Proud Member of
"The Rebel Alliance"
matches............ that will get rid of it.
you may wish to stand back.
Bring out to my place, i have a bush rat problem at the present, plenty of holes in the chook pen, we'll just pour it down the hole, and have
roast rats for dinner
Sounds like a plan Brian
A Proud Member of
"The Rebel Alliance"
End result