Fished Canals today landabsed for about a hour with boats and jet ski's everywhere.... i knew i was i was up against it....after fishing for about 40 mins with out a touch i was not long from heading home..... moved up the wall a bit and made a cast up to the right a bit... i was enjoying the casting as i had only moments before freshly spooled my 2000 reel with black 8 pound braid...... after a few winds all hell broke loose.... after which in honest felt like a big flattie bump.... after a initial quick run with heaps of wait the fish decided to turn and take about a 40m run..... there was nothing i could do except hold on and tell all the jet ski's to &^$# off as they decided to come close for a look....after a few very anxious moments the fish was turned and then headed up paraelle to the rock wall as i had to start rock hopping in bare foot to chase the still un sighted beast... i finally got a sight of the jew as then i started to realize how painfull it was going to be to get the fish up the rocks.... i played the jew for a bit till i knew it was beat then i hopped down the rocks allmost slipping in the water a few times with rod in hand to land the animal.....considering the dead low tide and the boat traffic i was surprised by the least....
got a by stander to take a few pics with my phone then i ran the fish over to the beach to get a good realese..... a fello fisher there had a 30 cm ruler and we measured the fish at 72 cm.... prolly not really too accurate but either way a huge pb for me
on 8pd line and 10pd leader using a 1'0 jig head on a 4" plastic... the feeling i have right now is awesome...
Big dyl