This is a shout out to anyone else that is putting in the time at the moment, hoping for future rewards.
Probably the best fisho I know told me that there was no secret to his success, he just put in a lot of time searching for new ground, so last trip I bit the bullet and did about eight hours of trolling around watching the sounder, with a few moves here and there where I thought good structure might lay. I could have gone to a couple mack spots and got some okay reds, but the time has come to find the monsters..
Having him as a deckie is a real bonus as he doesn’t get bored and if anything he keeps me positive. Each new bommie, bit of rubble or wonky is a lucky-dip and I’m waiting until I start seeing really big reds, we’ve got some good ones so far but the quest continues… we’ll get there soon enough.
One positive of having searching days is that you cover far more ground than you normally would, so one of those days probably equates to a lot of normal fishing days where you check out the odd spot but have an agenda of usual spots too.
Anyway, end of rant and happy hunting.