I have been fishing offshore (only a few Klms) lately and now want to buy a cheap ish but ok reel.
The tackle shop near here suggested a Pflueger Salt for $110.
I've been reading up a bit and proper reviews seem hard to find but favorable. Does anyone have any comments?
I am only a beginner and won't spend more than $120-40 on my first reel. (I have elcheapo combo rods at the moment)
Because of my incompetence and funds limitations I don't want to buy expensive braid either... I was thinking of mono (it used to be good enough in the old days...)
I would like to catch a snapper or similar. I will be mainly using soft plastics on a paternoster rig.
Currently fishing the inner gneerings but will be at Hutchies and inside Moreton bay generally.
Any recommendations on line weight and what max drag capacity I will need? Thanks for any advice.