This is the only photo I have.
It's a Paddleyak Kingfisher - a glass boat made in South Africa, and having similar lines to a kaskazi dorado if I had to compare it to anything else.
It came up at the right price on the net, so a quick trip down to NSW over the weekend and I am the proud new owner.....
Not a whole lot of info on the net about them, but those that own them like them.
I've only been for a quick strap out the front of Nudgee Ck in the chop the other morning, but I'm liking what I am feeling under me so far. I'll have to get the GPS out and check, but I don't think she feels any quicker than an 8-9 kph boat, which is about the tradeoff I'd expect between speed and workability.
Below deck she's built like a traditional sea kayak with two bulkheads and three separate sealed compartments, the middle one is meant to be opened at sea.
Looking forward to putting some miles on her, and I hope it is as good to me as my scupper pro was. No matter how good this one is I'll miss the scupper I think.
Not a great photo, but the only one I have so far.