Not sure where to post this, hence general fishing chat. I am a nurseryman & have been for 35 years, supplying Bunnings stores from Cairns to Canberra, & have employed hundreds of people over the years. My attitude to work is, no work, no pay, hence the hundreds of ex employees. You either work your ring off, or someone else will & they will get your job.
I had a classic example here today of why our country is going down the tubes.
We had 2 ladies here from Biosecurity Qld testing some stock for "Potato Spindle Tuber Viroid" (PSTV)
They had to take samples from 54 plants, & when I mean take samples, physically cut a section of the plant off & bag & label it.
For each plant, they had to change disposable gloves & clean the pruners with bleach. They ran out of gloves & bleach so had to leave & find a Woolies to get new supplies.
This took 2 ladies from 10am to 3pm, a job we would have had done in 20 minutes max, one person. I had to walk away from them & bite my tongue, as I'm thinking this is my tax dollars being wasted!!
Hate to think how much work will be involved in testing 54 samples in a lab. Should carry them through to the New Year the rate these ones worked.
They would absolutely die working in small enterprise. I am classified as a production nursery, as we physically produce the plants. I keep reminding my guys, slow production = no hours
We seem to be top heavy with govt, management & overly regulated, & it is us, the workers, that are paying for these clowns & I personally resent it.
Ah, that feels better!!