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Big eye trevally help. Heaps around but cant catch them :(
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Thread: Big eye trevally help. Heaps around but cant catch them :(

  1. #1

    Big eye trevally help. Heaps around but cant catch them :(

    Hey guys,
    So the past couple of days, on the run in tide, there has been tonnes of whitebait at the mouth of the tweed river. And with that has been alot of trevs (along with a few kingfish), every now and then theyre busting the surface. Now i've fished there, sunrise, sunset and thrown everything in my arsenal, softplastics, metal slugs, poppers, diving minnows. Tomorrow morning im going to the spot early before sunrise to see of i can get a few before sunrise if that makes any difference. Just wondering if theres anything im doing wrong?
    I've going to try unweighted flickbaits with a faster retrieve.
    Do i need to match the hatch or trevs hit anything if theyre feeding?
    Bit lost at the moment cuz i thought they would hit anything.

    Cheers guys!

  2. #2

    Re: Big eye trevally help. Heaps around but cant catch them :(

    Dunno what strength line and leader you are using but might be too heavy. That can put fish off. Try no more than 12lb fluorocarbon leader. Matching the hatch can be important. Try using metal slugs around 15-25 gram or as light as you can cast. With plastics, try using 3" tails with maybe 1/8 oz heads. Let them sink and use an erratic retrieve. Good luck and let us know how you go.

  3. #3

    Re: Big eye trevally help. Heaps around but cant catch them :(

    Thanks for the quick response. I was thinking about my line being too heavy as the water is very clear, so I changed to my light gear which has 4lb line 6lb leader. I have two varieties of slugs, 10g and 20g. Used both with no success.
    Thanks for the tip with the soft plastics, will give it a shot.
    Hopefully tomorrow is more fruitful.

  4. #4

    Re: Big eye trevally help. Heaps around but cant catch them :(

    Gidday Muskybanger,
    I've been braining them on a 20mm chrome slug that I got from tackle ware house at Cooparoo - its about the same size as a jelly bean.Its a heavy little slug for its lenght and casts like a bullet,
    6kg fluro carbon leader , 3kg braid - medium retrieve (not flatout) .
    Keep Ya Tip UP

  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member BLOOEY's Avatar
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    Oct 2006

    Re: Big eye trevally help. Heaps around but cant catch them :(

    Prawn immitations like rios and prongs, also small bass sized fizzers. Ben

  6. #6

    Re: Big eye trevally help. Heaps around but cant catch them :(

    Ok, so i'll start by saying that I am definitely a small estuary bread and butter fisherman (bream, whiting, flatties) and so thats why im chasing the trevs, try for something larger.
    Right, so with that being said I went to my spot this morning, started off with the Halco Roosta as it was dark and was told that it should fire the trevs up. Unfortunately didnt work. So then i took Jeremys advice, put a flickbait on a 2g jig, threw it out, let it sink and twitched it and it got nailed! And i mean nailed! The reel was screaming, i tightened the drag and i fought the fish as best i could. Even had the fish jumping out of the water!
    I was trying to wear it out but everytime it came to the surface it kept diving towards rocks and pylons, so i tightened the drag some more and after 10mins of this the bloody hook straightened slightly and the fish swam free. Dammit! Also the head of the jig was split in half somehow? Not sure what happened here, i've added a picture.
    So after swearing and bashing my rod i was left wondering what the fish was, i know it wasnt a trev or kingy. There have been reports of australian salmon being caught in the area and im assuming thats what it was because of the jumping from the water.
    Needless to say, whatever it was was the biggest and hardest thing i've had the pleasure to fight! And tomorrow morning im going back with some more goodies to see if i can land something!
    Attached Images Attached Images

  7. #7

    Re: Big eye trevally help. Heaps around but cant catch them :(

    Oh and before that i bloody dropped my iphone and smashed the back of it. Wasn't a good morning.

  8. #8

    Re: Big eye trevally help. Heaps around but cant catch them :(

    might be a bit warm atm for salmon.. but who knows.. otherwise it might have been a big tarpon? bad luck mate.. kinda wondering how you managed to do that on 4lb gear though?? unlucky.
    dont knock on deaths door... ring the doorbell and run... death hates that!!

  9. #9

    Re: Big eye trevally help. Heaps around but cant catch them :(

    Well u know it may have been a tarpon as I've never seen a tarpon or salmon before, and I only got a glimpse of it, and by the pictures I've just been looking at, tarpon looks more like it. I should clarify, I only changed to my lighter gear the other day when I caught nothing, when I had the "tarpon" on it was my heavier gear.
    Oh and this morning I finally got my Trevor! As well as two seapike and something else that rubbed me off on the pylons.

  10. #10

    Re: Big eye trevally help. Heaps around but cant catch them :(

    I went to the river on Tuesday and Wednesday last week on the lead up to the full moon on the last 2 hours of the top of the tide. I managed to land 3 big eyes all over 50cm on surface lures on Tuesday, i was using at times 50lb braid with 30lb mono leader and it didnt seem to worry them, the current is strong and the rocks are sharp, still a good fight on the heavy gear. On Wednesday i landed one over 50cm. They can be very fussy at times. Every time I heard one break the surface I casted at it and hooked up. I was most succesful on a 100mm Haclo Rooster popper. I have been targeting these fish every year for approx 5-6 years and every year the seem to want to eat different lures. Not sure if this will help you or not. cheers

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