Well I have been here a week and today is the first day the sun has come out. I am in Ankara, a city of ~7.8 million people all of whom have NO IDEA how to drive. I have travelled a fair bit and I tell ya this mob are amazing, traffic flows with what appears to be no road rules. The people are very friendly and the food is fantastic. There are limited fishing options in Ankara (a few small lakes, dams and rivers I understand) but I haven't had time to explore. I did however go down to Ulus (the older part of the city) and looked up some tackle shops. Well FBC they are not, but spent some time chatting with the the fellas in the various shops selling fishing gear and comparing fishing stories. A lot of fun and had a heap of laughs.
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I picked up a 6ft Daiwa carbon fibre 1-3kg rod coupled with a Daiwa cheapo reel. (Bought mainly because I loved the rod, young bloke gets a new reel for xmas. Cost me 100 Turkish lira (About $55). Looking fwd to landing a few on it when I get home.
Turkish Daiwa.jpg
Also, bought a bit of bling for the missus so she will let me out the door for a fish the moment I get home and catch up on some sleep.
Turkish Bling.jpg
Anyway, one of the fellas here comes from southern Turkey on the mediteranean and has promised me a fishing trip next time I come over. Here are a few pics of the species he gets. Looks very similar to our tailor, shovel nose shark, a queenie and mulloway in amongst them I reckon.
Turkish Tailor.jpgTurkish shovel.jpgTurkish Queenie.jpgTurkish Mulloway.jpg
I see the weather at home has been brillaint the last few days and the outlook for the week just as good. Lucky for you lot I suppose but crappy for me
Post some reports fellow anglers as I miss my weekly fish!!