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Moreton Bay Weekend....
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Thread: Moreton Bay Weekend....

  1. #1
    Ausfish Platinum Member Mossy247's Avatar
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    Apr 2008

    Moreton Bay Weekend....

    Well being off the water for well over 6 weeks I was ready to sell the tinny and buy a horse or a dirt bike as I was loosing the plot with cabin fever. So met the mate down the boat ramp and we headed out into the bay as we were going to stay away from mud island.
    There was a little slop on the water as we headed out so made the right turn over to mud, I knew I wouldn't last long, so though why not.....
    So we get over to mud and there is three of us on the boat talking the usual crap and the boys were getting smashed by just under squire.... Oh how you going mossy.... still not a bite? Ok so thinking now maybe the dirt bike wasn't a bad idea I was awfully quiet as I was concentrating on getting that first fish for me.... Well more squire coming on board nothing legal and a few grassies on 30 and still zip for mossy.... Alright, mud what is the deal? So underneath the spotters I could feel it coming... a tear not the fish .... Cast out and lift n wind.... as I lift the tip of the rod she takes off.... zzzzzzzzzzz ohh yeah I'm back boys! Get your rods in were chasing... it was taking plenty of 10lb line but didn't have that distinctive snapper feel where it takes you rather than you control it.. The fish was darting direction and still pulling some line... A good fight and to my disbelief up comes some colour... no snapper, but a trev and a nice one at that. A few flicks and pinch myself and I spear the beauty back into the water. So few more drift and the peanut gallery seem to have lost their voice as the talk had dwindled to silence... Oh silence is Golden a trevally in fact!
    Was due to hit the cape with a mate on Sunday but the poor fella by the sounds had fluids shooting out both ends so best not pushing something like that and he pulled the pin, so made the call and packed the tinny and met my mate along with 2 other mates down at the boat ramp. So threw on of the boys in with me and we headed off out the mouth. Was chatting to my mate asking if he was going to fish bait today? He was going to but keen to try plastics, so said right'O I'll show you how its done, well how I do it anyway.
    Few drifts and not much around, change over the plastics and few more drifts and out a few meters deeper. Ol mate gets a few hits and is looking excited, not long and he gets a nice undersize squire zzz.. takes a little drag and just tell him to slow it down, let the drag do the work, I lost too many fish going crazy on the rod, so he does and lands a nice squire just under. Few more squire and he is getting the hang of it. Move out towards the shipping channels plenty of bait around no bits so head back in close to mud island. Not much else and I am getting ready to rock n roll, few fish boated and was a good morn. Decided to give another mark I rarely hit a go with my mate, by this time the other mates were in another boat not far off. Ol mate was asking plenty of questions about how you fish plastics etc, I explained nothing is wrong man, mix it up and try new things.... Few casts I was getting a few taps then.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I hear ol mates line ripping off a speed... he was wondering what to do as if in shock, so he kept the pressure on an stayed tight to the fish, up comes some colour and a nice snapper. Bam. He is happy as sh!t. A drift or two more the pulled the pin to go grab the wife from the horse paddock she forgot her water bottle So dropped the mate in the boat with the others and headed off. Great weekend on the water a new PB for me and a mate.
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  2. #2

    Re: Moreton Bay Weekend....

    Good work chicken man see how you go with Davo up Nth ?

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member Mossy247's Avatar
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    Apr 2008

    Re: Moreton Bay Weekend....

    Quote Originally Posted by Dicktracey View Post
    Good work chicken man see how you go with Davo up Nth ?
    Up north? Didn't go too far north at all.

  4. #4

    Re: Moreton Bay Weekend....

    hey dave stayed out there after he caught a fish too

  5. #5

    Re: Moreton Bay Weekend....

    Quote Originally Posted by Humdinger View Post
    hey dave stayed out there after he caught a fish too
    Did he catch more than one fish ? Forget the fact it was a cracker

  6. #6

    Re: Moreton Bay Weekend....

    yeah he caught a couple on friday . i think mad mackeral was getting a bit worried that he might swim to shore .
    i think next time we might have to take a bucket of dirt for him to stand on between fish

  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member Funchy's Avatar
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    Re: Moreton Bay Weekend....

    Top stuff Mossy, that is s top Trev and I can see why your mate would be stoked with a quality fish like that. Also it's good to see a report from you after so long between drinks. Love reading your reports!!! Here's hoping there is less time between trips mate

  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member netmaker's Avatar
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    Re: Moreton Bay Weekend....

    onya buddy. that's a nice golden there. good to see ya still got it
    fishing's as simple as 3 P's - patience, perserverance and PLASTIC!

  9. #9
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Jan 2012

    Re: Moreton Bay Weekend....

    Nice fish there mate. Few good fillets

  10. #10

    Re: Moreton Bay Weekend....

    Nice Fush there Mossy I was totally shattered mate I could not go out on Sunday I was that pumped the boat was packed up on Friday night was nearly in tears unpacking it on Sunday good to see you got out on the water I gotta get out again mate that is for sure. 3 weeks to go and I am on 2.5 weeks holday go back to work for a month then I am off for another 3.5 weeks going to be plenty of fishing happening that is for sure might see if you can throw a few sickies haha and we can get out through the week.

  11. #11

    Re: Moreton Bay Weekend....

    Well the little fella needed an offshore fix & I was pissed about missing HB M&G so i called my trusty side kick chicken man and we hit the high sea
    Whats your snap PB these days CM 82cm Dick, ok challenge accepted lets go.
    Livies are scarce as Rocking horse shit ATM lucky the back up pillies tagged along !

    You know when your kid gets a new noise maker ? Well thats what CM has now, now wonder you pulled out Mick. If I had known he had a Mexican Maraca reel I would of ditched him too
    So i dropped a good spangled in the box along with a pan size snap and the delinquent could only muster up a head ache for me with his Canasta reel sounding like 50 kids with a pack of playing cards stuck in their spokes

    I pulled some deep water Pike/long Tom/Gar in so the score was 3 Zip

    ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ clac clac ZZZZZZZZZZ bzzzzzzzz ccccccccccccc off goes CM';s noise maker, F* Me CM is that thing going to stay together ???? Well after what seamed a life time we had colour, going on the effort he put in I'm sure he had a 20Kg AJ Nup up comes a deep sea racing Grinner biggest one i ever did see it's now confirmed CM can catch fish in 90m !!!!!!!!!!!

    Ok time for spot X little fella, hooray hooray the little fella flapped his little wings and off we steamed

    Heaps of bait few good pan sized then ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ off goes the little bloke not on his gangster reel he used a conventional Quiet spin outfit for this catch 80cm missed by 2 !!!!

    We had some good laughs found some fish that Bazza's jig heads wont stop

    then headed home, all in all a great day on the water.


  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member Mossy247's Avatar
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    Re: Moreton Bay Weekend....

    Cheers mate saved me from a day with the horses. Was good to get out in the blue water now I got abit more line I can touch the bottom LoL. I do love the deeper water as the monsters that lurk beneath is what makes it so much fun. Will never get sick of catching snapper though it would of been good to get something on the lures. Mick has the same clicker by the way but in a larger size that's stereo clicking....

  13. #13

    Re: Moreton Bay Weekend....

    Nothing wrong with the sound of a good old Over head ratchet Especially my Diawa Saltist Lever Drag Over head Reel brings the fish up nice and quick 7:1:1 gears 50LB Braid on a Diawa demon Blood rod Lovin it just gotta turn the rachet off when your hooked up Me and Mossy have ours singing in tune when the fish are on. Best thing you could do old fella is turn your hearing aid down a bit and it won't annoy your sensative eardrums as much
    Good to see you guys had a great day those Spangleds are a great feed will be looking forward to getting back out there. Great work fellas.

  14. #14
    Ausfish Platinum Member ddobson's Avatar
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    Re: Moreton Bay Weekend....

    You still got it mossy and a solid trevally and your mates snap and your offshore snap is ace. I have been off for a while like you but mine is similar as you as nearly lost job and not getting paid and starting to piss me off and really needing pay to live oh and fish would be nice. I have moved to capalaba so another 8 k,s from boat ramp but still alive. We be going offshore soon in lucky,s new 8 metre patriot so i hope to hook up on something solid one day. Cheers Down but not out DD.....

  15. #15
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Mar 2003

    Re: Moreton Bay Weekend....

    Great fish/pics/posts - some serious damage/fish on those jig heads especially considering theyre so tough gear to start with.



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