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whiting missing Pine River
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Thread: whiting missing Pine River

  1. #1
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    whiting missing Pine River

    Hi guys, went down to the pine for a whiting fish this morning before the high tide, usual spots and bait only managed to get 1. Last few trips have been pretty poor as well. Just wondering if anyone else has noticed the lack of whiting here lately or have I missed something. Last spring I was getting a doz good fish each trip.

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member Shawn 66's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: whiting missing Pine River

    Quote Originally Posted by petelaska View Post
    Hi guys, went down to the pine for a whiting fish this morning before the high tide, usual spots and bait only managed to get 1. Last few trips have been pretty poor as well. Just wondering if anyone else has noticed the lack of whiting here lately or have I missed something. Last spring I was getting a doz good fish each trip.
    G.Day Pete ,
    Was out on the Pine today at the time you mentioned . Got sh!t loads of livies first up , so thought I was in for a good day . How wrong could I be . Only got unders all day . Although it was funny , Mum came out at about 10 am , and 5 minutes later she is onto a nice bite . It turned out to be a beatiful 66cm jewie . The reply when told it was undersize was a very unladylike F@@k . She did take great delight in swimming the jewie for awhile and then watching it give a decent tail kick to return from whence it came .

  3. #3

    Re: whiting missing Pine River

    I think you will find they have changed their diet to glassy prawns at this time of the year. Masses of tiny glassy prawns are moving along the edges lately. They tend to go off the worms near the beginning of december in the rivers.

  4. #4

    Re: whiting missing Pine River

    Maybe a dumb question guys, but do northerlies have the same affect in a river system as they do outside??

  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member BLOOEY's Avatar
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    Oct 2006

    Re: whiting missing Pine River

    Reckon your spot on tunaticer. Been struggling getting any numbers lately myself, racked the popper out today and cleaned up. Ben

  6. #6

    Re: whiting missing Pine River

    Quote Originally Posted by Shawn 66 View Post
    G.Day Pete ,
    Was out on the Pine today at the time you mentioned . Got sh!t loads of livies first up , so thought I was in for a good day . How wrong could I be . Only got unders all day . Although it was funny , Mum came out at about 10 am , and 5 minutes later she is onto a nice bite . It turned out to be a beatiful 66cm jewie . The reply when told it was undersize was a very unladylike F@@k . She did take great delight in swimming the jewie for awhile and then watching it give a decent tail kick to return from whence it came .
    Geez..what is it with the women and jewies in the Pine !!...Trace ("the mulloway slayer") sends congrats to Trudi

    Looking forward to getting down there to chase whiting and flatties next weekend (having had a few weeks off the water), so we are happy to read the advice on this thread. Thanks guys!

    Tim and Trace

  7. #7

    Re: whiting missing Pine River

    Quote Originally Posted by Chas & Clarry View Post
    Geez..what is it with the women and jewies in the Pine !!...Trace ("the mulloway slayer") sends congrats to Trudi

    Looking forward to getting down there to chase whiting and flatties next weekend (having had a few weeks off the water), so we are happy to read the advice on this thread. Thanks guys!

    Tim and Trace
    2011 was my big numbers year for jew in the Pine......either 32 or 33......not quite sure which record is correct now.

  8. #8
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Re: whiting missing Pine River

    yes I got a couple of jew as bycatch out the front of redcliffe at that time as well

  9. #9

    Re: whiting missing Pine River

    Tony - I've always found Northerlies have the same shut-down effect in the estuaries and rivers.

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