You look like a gospel singer in that shirt mate.....nice fish.
You look like a gospel singer in that shirt mate.....nice fish.
Thats 6 your allowed at hervey bay now.
Great fish mate. Beats the heck out of a 5kg Snap in my opinion
A Proud Member of
"The Rebel Alliance"
Nice fish Dave - the sunnies have got me though!
Nice black spot davo. the rainbow is definately the spot to get em. I should call you "The Funchy of the Bay" as you definately have it sussed. Well done mate
Another good fish but a loooooooooooong day eh. Good to hook one of them as i am told some awsome stories on how hard they pull back into there hole. Well done and good to see you are cleaning up your act at photo time. Cheers DD.....
Geez davo, if you plan on changing your shirt for every fish up at frazer, i hope your bringing a suitcase full!
Good fish Davo, mate is that ostentatious holding your